Geek Slop is a community for geeks. We provide news and articles covering a variety of intellectual and geeky topics such as pop culture products, technology, science, science fiction, comic books, computer programming, hacking, gadgets, cosplay, geek humor, and anything else we think geeks will find interesting and helpful. Plus an online store carrying all things geeky.
The tagline, “for geeks and other superhero types” confirms our reverence for the almighty “geek”, those massively intelligent and notoriously intellectual folks who control the world and those around them.
Online Shop
Geek Slop sells pop culture products that cater to geek culture. Vaulting off the experience from an extraordinarily successful online boutique, we use our vast wholesale partners to offer hi-quality, unique geek merchandise for our customers at competitive price points.
Article Submissions
Geek Slop does not sell nor disclose information about our users to third parties. You may view our complete privacy policy here.
If you wish to submit an article for inclusion on Geek Slop, use the Contact Us form to submit your article and include a note on how you would like to be credited for the article. Geek Slop will review your submission and determine whether it fits our publishing guidelines and needs.
Tips (Insider or Public) Submissions
Geek Slop welcomes tips, private or public, from readers. If you do not wish to be credited for the tip, we will certainly honor your request for privacy. Again, we do not disclose our users’ personal information to third parties. Check the Warrant Canary at the bottom of each page for changes.
Gear for testing and review
If you want to send us gear for testing and review, we will honor your request and grin ear-to-ear while we test the toys you send. However, our reviews must remain honest. Send gear and return requirements to:
Geek Slop
2345 Charles Ave.
Burleson, TX 76028
Items submitted for review will only be returned if a return shipping label and postage is included.