More skull-shaped objects on Mars.

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A while back, when NASA video revealed an odd, skull-shaped object (complete with eye and nose holes) on the surface of Mars we figured it was just an unusually-shaped rock. Today a second “skull” (see photo above) has been spotted in Curiosity Rover video in a location known as Sol 482 and this one is…

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Archaeologists discover huge stone structure beneath Sea of Galilee

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The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology has announced the discovery of a mysterious, and huge, stone structure located beneath the southwestern area of the Sea of Galilee in Israel which has archaeologists puzzled as to its purpose and even how long ago it was built. Scientists declared that the object was “definitely human-made and probably…

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Freezing weather wipes out entire German flea circus troupe.

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Say it isn’t so! An entire troupe of circus performing fleas has fallen victim to the freezing temperatures holding Germany in its frosty grip. Flea circus director Robert Birk says he was shocked to find all of his 300 fleas dead inside their transport box Wednesday morning. Leaving him unable to fulfill his performance engagements,…

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