Despite what many believe, random mass public shootings are not uncommon occurrences. In October 2014, Harvard Research showed the rate of mass shootings has tripled since 2012. In the event that you are caught in or near a public shooting rampage, there are steps you can take to survive a mass public shooting.
Category: Combat and Self Defense
How to use signaling techniques in a survival situation – visual and audio communication methods.
How to survive man-made hazards – surviving nuclear, biological, and chemical attacks.

You must use special precautions if you expect to survive in these man-made hazards. If you are subjected to any of the effects of nuclear, chemical, or biological warfare, the survival procedures recommended here may save your life. Awareness of the hazards and application of common sense can keep you alive.
Camouflage – how to hide shape, color, noise, smell, and movement when stalking and anti-tracking

In a survival situation, especially in a hostile environment, you may find it necessary to camouflage yourself, your equipment, and your movement. Effective camouflage may mean the difference between survival and capture by the enemy. Camouflage and movement techniques, such as stalking, will also help you obtain game for food.
Surviving in hostile areas – how to evade, hide, and avoid capture by the enemy.

You must assume that if trapped in a hostile area, you may not experience quick recovery by friendly elements. You may have to move for extended times and distances to places less threatening to the recovery forces. Anyone facing a potential cutoff from friendly forces should be familiar with all the possible types of recovery,…
Bow and Arrows – how to make and use bow and arrows in the wild
Throwing Sticks – how to make and use a throwing stick.
Spears – how to make a spear in a wilderness survival situation.
Knives – their components, blade types, and how to use them for survival.
In a survival scenario, a knife is by far your most important tool. A knife has four basic functions. It can puncture, slash or chop, cut, and scrape. A knife is also an invaluable tool used to construct other survival items. If you find yourself in a survival situation without a knife, you can make…