Sidewall skiing – Saudi Arabian youth drive on two wheels in latest craze

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Saudi Arabian youth, who apparently have very little to live for, have introduced some wild and crazy driving stunts to the world before. Last year YouTube video of Saudi youth “skiing” behind speeding cars went viral. This year they’ve upped the ante with “sidewall skiing”. Sidewall skiers use a ramp to tilt the car up…

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Oklahoma Man believed to have died from spontaneous human combustion

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Sequoyah County, Oklahoma officials believe that 65-year-old Danny Vanzandt likely died from spontaneous human combustion after they found his burned body in his home but could find no other fire damage or evidence of accelerant use. The man was found after neighbors noticed smoke coming from his home. Fireman arrived and attempted to put out…

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English man has stroke, wakes up speaking Welsh.

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Alun Morgan, 81 years old, grew up speaking English but lived in Wales for a while during an evacuation in World War II. He was only in Wales a few months and admits that he “learned a bit of Welsh” while he was there but was not proficient with the language. He has not spoken…

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The mysterious Opus Dei religious sect.

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Religious organizations have long been known for their generosity and willingness to help others. But has a Catholic sect known as Opus Dei, under the guise of promoting Christianity and spreading goodwill, gone too far?

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Grady Stiles – the Lobster Boy

Grady Stiles, better known as the Lobster Boy, was not content to just be unusual in appearance. Born with a condition know as ectrodactyly, Grady eked out a living as a sideshow anomaly. Stranger still, his turbulent life lead Grady to drinking, murder, and eventually, death.

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Minnie Woolsey – Koo Koo the Bird Girl

Koo Koo, the Bird Girl was born Minnie Woolsey in Georgia in 1880. Fate dealt Minnie a bad hand – she was born with a rare skeletal disorder, Virchow-Seckel syndrome. Virchow-Seckel syndrome is also known as bird-headed dwarfism, Harper’s syndrome or Seckel dwarfism. It is characterized by growth retardation and dwarfism, an extremely small head,…

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Prince Randian (The Human Torso or Human Caterpillar)

Prince Randian (1871–1934)

Prince Randian, billed as the Living Torso, was a side show performer during the 1930’s. He starred in the landmark film, Freaks, where he was mistakenly credited as “Rardion”. Born without arms and legs, Randian was often introduced as “the human caterpillar who crawls on his belly like a reptile”.

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The story of David Reimer – a boy in girl’s clothing

Bruce (later named David) Reimer and his twin brother were born in Canada on August 22, 1965 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. After several months, the parents became concerned with the way the boys were urinating. Their family doctor suggested a standard procedure: circumcision. The method used in the circumcision was not as conventional though. Rather…

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