40-year-old Charles Mock was fishing alone at a campground about 3 miles north of West Yellowstone Park last week when he was attacked by a grizzly bear. Mock had bear spray on him but it’s unclear if he was able to deploy it during the attack.
Tag: attack
How to survive gas (chemical) and viral (biological and virus) attacks – all about decontamination, respirators, masks, and other protective equipment.

A respirator device is designed to protect the wearer from inhaling harmful dusts, fumes, vapors, or gases. Recent studies (2012) indicate that respirators even provide the best protection against airborne viruses. It is imperative however, that you understand the various types (categories) and qualities (ratings) of respirators in order to select one that will provide…
Mountain Lion Dangers and how to defend yourself against a Mountain Lion attack
Bear dangers and how to defend yourself against a bear attack.

Forget the generic bear defense tips you read on other sites. Although there are many common defense strategies, how you defend yourself against a bear attack depends on the species of bear. In addition, poor wilderness etiquette can increase bear dangers for your fellow outdoorsmen so you must be aware of the extraneous factors that…