Doctors have started testing the world’s first mRNA lung cancer vaccine in patients. This vaccine, known as BNT116 and made by BioNTech, is being trialed in 34 research sites across seven countries: the UK, US, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Spain, and Turkey.
Tag: cancer
Researchers announce a “major breakthrough” in the curing of brain tumors using a specially constructed molecule that causes cancer cells to self-destruct.
New research: Sneaky cancer cells protect themselves via signals to control certain types of immune cells, preventing them from attacking the cancer cells.
A new study about Hodgkin lymphoma, a blood cancer, has provided new insights into how cancer cells survive. Scientists from the Wellcome Sanger Institute found that cancer cells are able to protect themselves by using signals to control certain types of immune cells, preventing them from attacking the cancer cells.
Goodbye PSA, hello PSE. New prostate blood test to detect the most common cancer in men is more accurate than the traditional PSA test.
Researchers show they can eradicate advanced-stage mesothelioma tumors in mice in just a few days with a treatment using “drug factory” implants.
New study hints that CRISPR gene editing causes permanent genome damage, possibly triggering cancer in the long run.
The miracle of science – new experimental cancer therapy clears baby girl of “incurable” leukemia after only two months.
One-year-old Layla Richards was suffering from incurable leukemia (a form of cancer). Her parents were told there were no options left to save their baby. Chemotherapy failed. So did bone-marrow transplants. Finally, doctors tried a new form of therapy – they gave Layla “genetically-altered immune cells” that attack the leukemia cells while leaving all of…