30 Great Golden Age Superman Covers

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Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster originally conceived of Superman as a bald, telepathic villain bent on controlling the world. In 1933, Shuster reinvisioned Superman as a superhero and spent the next six years searching for a publisher to bring his vision to life. Here are 30 of the top Superman and Action Comics covers from…

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Denmark TV characters sign off and go to bed each night

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In Denmark, parents got sick and tired of all the time their kids spent in front of the television set.  Disney Channel and Cartoon Network smothered the kids not only in humor, but in product advertisements conditioning the little ones into zombie consumers.  In a desperate attempt to reign in Danish viewers, the DR Ramasjang…

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Top Grossing Superhero Movies of All Time

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As of September 4, 2012, here are the top grossing superhero movies of all time. The Avengers (1.5 billion) The Dark Knight Rises (1.01 billion) The Dark Knight ($1 billion) Spider Man 3 ($890 million) Spider Man ($821 million) Spider Man 2 ($783 million) The Amazing Spider Man ($705 million) Iron Man 2 ($622 million)…

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