Tag: fire
How to build an efficient fire using a single log – the Swedish Fire Torch
When it comes to fire tinder in a survival situation, you have dozens of resources available.

As any good survivalist knows, when caught in a survival situation, one of the first tasks at hand will be to build a fire. In addition to knowing how to construct a fire in the wilderness, you’re going to have to have the appropriate resources available which includes not only fuel, but the oh-so-important tinder…
Unfortunate timing
How to make Char Cloth (charcloth) – the essential outdoors fire starting material.

Char cloth (or charred cloth) is a swatch of fabric made from vegetable linen, such as cotton, that has been converted into a slow-burning fuel of very low ignition temperature. A single, small spark placed on char cloth will ignite the cloth which will begin to glow red. The slow-burning char cloth can then be…
Home burnt to the ground by flaming snake after woman douses snake with gas and sets it on fire.
Survival fire principles (introduction to “firecraft”)
In survival situations, the ability to build and light a fire can make the difference between life and death. You can use fire to purify water, sterilize bandages, signal for rescue, drive animals from their homes, efficiently modify the landscape, smoke and preserve food, softening tar for adhesives, making charcoal for medicinal purposes, and provide…
There are various types of fires – each with its own purpose. Here’s how to build a variety of different kinds of fires for each scenario.
There are several methods for laying a fire and each has advantages. The situation you are in will determine which of the following fires to use. Here are a collection of firecraft methods suitable for any survival situation you may find yourself in.
How to start a fire in the wild (using bow drill, hand drill, flint, and other methods)
Always light your fire from the upwind side. Make sure you lay the tinder, kindling, and fuel so that your fire will burn as long as you need it. Igniters provide the initial heat required to start the tinder burning. They fall into two categories: modern methods and primitive methods.