On June 22, 1983, 15-year-old Emanuela Orlandi, disappeared inside the Vatican compound. Emanuela was last seen getting into a large, dark-colored BMW with blacked-out windows.
Three-year-old Casey Hathaway was last seen playing with two other children in his great-grandmother’s backyard on January 22, 2019. Casey was not dressed for cold weather. His survival in temperatures that reached 20-degrees was inexplicable. But when investigators asked about how he spent his time in the woods, the three-year-old volunteered a noteworthy detail: a…
The trouble began when an angry family knocked on the door of Christina and Michael Atlanta home demanding that they return their lost (stolen?) cellphones. The confused couple asked why the family thought they had their phones. The family explained – a GPS tracking application had led them to Lee and Saba’s front door.
The fate of infamous explorer Amelia Earhart is still being sought by The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR). Beginning in August 2014 and estimated to cost $3 million, the expedition will use two manned submersibles to search the depths of the ocean around the western end of Nikumaroro in the Pacific.
Tony Zerilli, an ex-Detroit mafia boss, has stated that he knows where the missing body of Teamsters Union leader, Jimmy Hoffa is buried. According to the 85-year-old Zerilli, Hoffa was buried in a field outside Detroit, about 20 miles from the restaurant where he was last seen in July 1975. Zerilli explained that the mafia’s…