Titanpointe – the ultra-top-secret NSA headquarters located smack dab in the middle of Manhattan (and the mysterious BLARNEY programs operating surreptitiously inside 33 Thomas Street).

AT&T Long Line Building as seen from the east along Thomas Street

In 2016, investigators pouring through leaked Edward Snowden documents made a startling discovery. The Long Lines Building was not just a communications hub but an ultra-secure data center and a monumental listening and data collection post for the NSA operating under inside a downltown-Manhattan building known as Titanpointe. According to the leaked documents, computer systems…

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NSA to Congress: “But we want ALL the data. Any other way is just TOO hard.”

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The Wall Street Journal has revealed that a “select few lawmakers” have received a heads up from the NSA regarding their controversial sweeping telephone-surveillance program whereby the major phone companies provide the NSA with the phone records of *all* of their customers. In response to White House and Congress demands that the NSA change the…

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