Plants are living creatures. They need food and water just like people. But how do plants get food?
From gardening tips and techniques to plant biology and conservation efforts, check out articles that discuss different types of plants, such as flowers, trees, and vegetables, and provide information about their unique characteristics, growing conditions, and uses. Additionally, you can learn about plant anatomy, physiology, and genetics, and how these factors influence plant growth and development.
Yes, this plant is real and not photoshopped. The Psychotria Elata plant is commonly known as Hooker Lips or the Hot Lips Plant for the shape of its bright red bracts that resemble two luscious lips. Found in the tropical rain forests of Central and South American countries like Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama and Ecuador,…
Introduction You can live for several weeks without eating but regardless, food provides life-saving energy to your body and replenishes substances that your body burns during physical and mental activity. The average person needs 2,000 calories per day to function at a minimum level. Any less than this and your body will cannibalize itself and…
Successful use of plants in a survival situation depends on positive identification. Knowing poisonous plants is as important as knowing edible plants.
Poison sumacToxicodendron vernixCashew (Anacardiacese) Family Description: Poison sumac is a woody shrub or small tree that grows to 8.5 meters (28 feet) tall with rough, scaly bark. It has alternate, pinnately compound leafstalks with 7 to 13 smooth edged leaflets per leaf. The leaflets are oval to oblong, taper to a sharp point, and may…
Poison ivy and poison oakToxicodendron radicans and Toxicodendron diversilobum (previously Toxicodendron diversibba)Cashew (Anacardiacese) Family Description: These two plants are quite similar in appearance and will often crossbreed to make a hybrid. Both have alternate, compound leaves with three leaflets. The oil in the plants is the primary culprit and all parts, at all times of…