News of an incredible poltergeist case in Scotland broke this week after Catherine Shreenan of Rutherglen (South Lanarkshire, Scotland) admitted a series of hauntings in her home have caused her family much grief. Scottish police, who witnessed the activity in the home, say they are baffled at what they saw.
Tag: poltergeists
The Canneto di Caronia fires – Earthly phenomena, alien attack, or arson – spontaneous fires in Canneto baffle world’s leading scientists.
The unusual enigma began in early 2004 forcing the evacuation of the entire town and now the mysterious spontaneous fires in Caronia, specifically the small town of Canneto on the northern coast of Sicily, Italy, have returned with a vengeance. Despite millions of dollars spent investigating the cause, scientists remain stymied. What is known for…
Enfield Poltergeist haunting – ghost terrifies mother and four children in their Enfield, England home
The Enfield Poltergeist was a period of apparent poltergeist activity in Enfield, England between August 1977 and September 1978, with an added outburst of poltergeist activity in August 1980. During the span of three years, a terrifying entity haunted the Hodgson family – a mother and her four children. Paranormal investigators assisted the family and…