Tag: signs
Not sure if this sign is meant to steer potential buyers to the property or away from it.
Oh yeah, that’s NOT creepy at all
Please unload your gun before entering
Sign found in a local diner.
Funny Protest Signs
Protestors with too much time on their hands make signs intended to boldly pronounce their beliefs and grief. Luckily for us, their signs are quite often funny – sometimes accidentally funny (to the chagrin of the ignorant protestor). Here’s a collection of real-life protest signs that either intentionally or unintentionally make us laugh.
Funny Slogans on Commercial Vehicles
Funny Sign Graffiti
Sometimes grafitti artists can take an ordinary sign and turn it into a hilariously funny joke. Here’s a collection of signs and billboards with graffiti added to give the message a entirely new meaning.
Funny Bar Signs
More funny billboards and signs
From the “what were they thinking” department, we present a humorous collection of real billboards as a sign of how stupid (or intentionally funny) man can be…