How to make tear gas at home.

Civilian throwing a homemade tear gas bomb

Police use tear gas to maintain control of crowds or cause them to disperse. For citizen survival scenarios, you can use tear gas to ward off enemies, disengage dangerous animals, or to make a location temporarily inhabitable by people.

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Top 120 cities at risk for a Nuclear, biological, nuclear (NBC/CBRN) attack

Ruined landscape destroyed

A Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear attack, also known as a CBRN or NBC attack, is an attack against an area using hazardous material to promote widespread damage, typically utilized in a terrorist-type attack. The US Army’s domestic preparedness division lists the following cities/states as the top 120 cities at risk for a chemical, biological,…

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How to Survive Extreme Weather – how to survive any natural disaster.

Huge tornado

Extreme Weather Conditions Whether global warming or a natural cycle of atmospheric change, the worldwide weather patterns have worsened substantially.  Global average surface temperature has increased steadily since 1970.  Precipitation patterns have changed around the world and after 2,000 years of little change, sea levels have risen by 8 inches with levels rising at a rate…

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