It is never too early to start planning for your holiday gift-giving. Whether you have Hot Wheels or Disney fans – or even loved ones who enjoy both! – Mattel has created a fantastic collection of cars you can put in stockings or place under the tree this season.
Tag: Walmart
Man makes remarkable discovery during routine trip to Walmart – bug find turns out to be super rare Jurassic-era insect.
Walmart jumps into Roblox metaverse with launch of Walmart Land and Walmart’s Universe of Play.
Walmart’s releases their 2022 Top Toy List with the hottest must-have toys and collectables for this Holiday season.
Hot Wheels dynamic dioramas with premium Hot Wheels castings hit Walmart shelves this year.
Warner Bros. is launching massive Batman product collections over multiple channels in celebration of the upcoming The Batman movie. Check out all the new brands and experiences inspired by The Batman.
Walmart pulls dancing cactus toy that swears and sings about doing cocaine in Polish.
Jade Helm 15 military operation – America’s largest-ever military exercise on civilian soil.
The rumors began on March 13, 2015 when U.S. citizens first learned about the shadowy military operation known as Jade Helm (or Jade Helm 15). Never before has a drill of this scope and magnitude taken place on US sovereign soil and detractors find federal military personnel operating covertly in American cities throughout the southwest…
Do the math, do the math…
Steaks from Walmart contaminated with LSD – entire family takes unexpected trip while on vacation.
In early March 2014, the Morales family left their home in Connecticut for a short vacation in Tampa, Florida. While there, they purchased steaks from the local Walmart and cooked a quick dinner in their rental home. Shortly after finishing the meal, all members of the family began hallucinating – the children trying to grab…