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Breaking Bad – Walter White obituary appears in Albuquerque Journal after series finale

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Albuquerque Journal obituary for Breaking Bad's Walter White


The Albuquerque Journal ran a “real-life” obituary this week for Breaking Bad’s lead character, Walter White, following the series finale that closed out a saga filmed almost entirely in Albuquerque during its 8 year run.  The obit read:

“White, Walker, aka “Heisenberg”, 52, of Albuquerque, died Sunday after a long battle with lung cancer, and a gunshot wound.  A co-founder of Gray Matter, White was a research chemist who taught high school chemistry, and later founded a meth manufacturing empire.  He is survived by h is wife, Skyler Lambert, son Walter “Flynn” Jr.; and daughter Holly.  A private memorial was held by his family.  In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to a drug abuse prevention charity of your choice.  He will be greatly missed.”

Source: Albuquerque Journal

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