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The complete Jeffrey Epstein story – Did Jeff Epstein run a secret global pedophile ring involving major businessmen, politicians, celebrities, and world leaders? Wait, was PizzaGate right all along?

jeffrey epstein with young girl

That crazy PizzaGate conspiracy theory

After billionaire hedge fund manager Jeffrey Epstein’s 2009 arrest, author Summer Brennan wrote the following:

“I’ve followed this story and individual for a long time. It needs to be understood that this is about much more than the actions of individual men, but a *system* of powerful men using underage girls as luxury goods to offer, trade, etc. There is a world in which this is the norm. A class of (mostly) uber-powerful men who think the rules do not apply to them.”

Brennan’s statement sounded eerily familiar to a conspiracy theory debunked years earlier – the PizzaGate theory.

The PizzaGate theory proposed a vast secret underground human trafficking network run and used by rich and famous

Pedophile symbols related to Comet Pizza logos

The Pizza Gate conspiracy theory went viral in 2016 during the United States presidential election cycle. In March 2016, the personal email account of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager at the time, was hacked and the emails leaked on the Internet by WikiLeaks. Amateur sleuths poured through the emails. and found what they believed were coded messages related to human trafficking, prostitution, and pedophilia.

According to researchers, certain words (e.g., pizza, sauce) were used in bizarre contexts throughout the email chains. These words composed code phrases, including the following:

  • hotdog – boy
  • pizza – girl
  • cheese – little girl
  • pasta – little boy
  • ice cream – male prostitute
  • walnut – person of color
  • sauce – group fun

Substituting the code words revealed a vast conspiracy. It was proposed that a vast human trafficking network existed that catered to the rich and famous. It was further proposed that those who were being trafficked were children.

A Washington D.C. pizza joint, Comet Ping Pong, was unexpectedly pulled into the controversy. The company logos were found to be similar to symbols the FBI says are related to secret pedophile signals. The ties to Comet Ping Pong pizza restaurant contributed to the name of the theory – PizzaGate.

PizzaGate is debunked

Comet Pizza joint at head of PizzaGate

The PizzaGate theory was constructed on the Internet by dozens of 4Chan forum users but was ultimately debunked when several aspects of the theory were found to be misconstrued or misattributed. For instance, a photo claiming to be of person X turned out to be person Y and photos of locations were misattributed. The media quickly denounced the conspiracy.

Much of PizzaGate was openly debated on the popular forum, Reddit (in /r/pizzagate) and much of the evidence was contributed through the public forum. The various inaccuracies that were introduced to the theory were found to have derived from anonymous Reddit users. Some proposed the inaccuracies were purposeful and intended to cause confusion and doubt.

On November 23, 2016, Reddit mysteriously and without warning, closed and banned the PizzaGate group for violating Reddit’s anti-doxing rule. All of the PizzaGate research was lost. Still, online activists pushed on, some under the banner of Operation Death Eaters (#OpDeathEaters), insisting rich and famous clientele used an extensive, wide-spread underground network to furnish and use underage children for sexual favors.

PizzaGate theory is revived

The PizzaGate theory faded into the backdrop of history and was soon forgotten – until 2019 when the Jeffrey Epstein bombshell hit the wires. Epstein was a wealthy billionaire who had already escaped justice despite evidence of crimes involving young, underage girls. Court documents showed investigators believed the crimes were coordinated by some of the most rich and powerful people in the world. This was supported by the discovery and leak of Epstein’s “little black book” which revealed the names of hundreds of powerful people alongside hundreds of contacts at massage parlors, modelling studios, and adult clubs. And there it was, in black and white, dozens of contacts for young girls, some with notations describing their physical features or notes about their parents. PizzaGate was pulled from the archives and dusted off. It bore a bizarre similarity to the Epstein case that was beginning to unfold. People began to ask, “Was the premise behind PizzaGate right all along?”

The Jeffrey Epstein pedophile saga

14-year-old Jennifer Araoz

In March 2005, a 14-year-old girl came forward and claimed Jeffrey Epstein molested her at his mansion at El Brillo Way in Palm Beach, Florida. She says she was referred to Epstein by a high school classmate who said Epstein would give her a lot of money for a massage. The earliest days of the Epstein story revealed how he would obtain his (reportedly) nearly-one-hundred victims.

By March 2006, it was clear the case would be easy to prosecute. “This was not a ‘he said, she said’ situation. This was 50-something ‘shes’ and one ‘he’ — and the ‘shes’ all basically told the same story,’ said retired Palm Beach Police Chief Michael Reiter, who supervised the police probe.

Police had electronic device evidence and witness testimony from victims, of which (at the time) there were forty or more. They had photographs of underage girls. They had physical notes left for Epstein such as “Tanya can’t come at 7:00 PM tomorrow because she has soccer practice.” Palm Beach state attorney Barry Krischer referred the case to a Grand Jury who ultimately returned an indictment.

Police received subpoenas for Epstein’s computers. Three computers were thought to be key to the investigation. Police arrived at the home and were allowed in by one of Epstein’s assistants. They quickly made their way to the office area where they found empty computer slots and cables dangling from the wall. Police began to suspect that their investigation was being undermined by the State Attorney’s Office. They referred the case to the FBI.

US Attorneys wasted no time. They quickly began working with Epstein’s cadre of celebrity lawyers including Kenneth Starr, Alan Dershowitz, Jack Goldberger, Roy Black, and Jay Lefkowitz. A 53-page indictment was returned but indications hinted that the US attorney’s office was being manipulated by Epstein’s team, just as had been earlier suspected.

Jeffrey Epstein with young girl

In October 2007, Epstein’s attorneys proposed a deal in which:

  1. victims would not be notified
  2. the deal would be kept under seal and secret
  3. all grand jury subpoenas would be cancelled
  4. Epstein would receive a low pedophile classification that would ease sex-offender registration requirements,
  5. Epstein would receive little to no jail time for his crimes

The deal sounded bizarre, cartoon-like, impossible.

Discussions around a deal continued well into March 2008 while Epstein’s attorneys opened up new lanes in the battlefield in an effort to ensure their client walked free. The US Attorney’s Office noted victims were being harassed by Epstein’s lawyers. Victims said they were being intimidated in an attempt to silence them.

Two months later, in June 2008, the “deal of the century” was made, a plea agreement between Lefkowitz and US attorney Alexander Acosta and his lead federal prosecutor A. Marie Villafana. The deal wasn’t brokered at Acosta’s Miami headquarters. Instead, they met at a Marriott in West Palm Beach about 70 miles away.

In the plea agreement, Epstein would plead guilty to only two charges. The charges were whittled down so that the only officially named victims were old enough to place him in a sex offender category with much less stringent reporting requirements. In fact, the older age of the named victims ensured no registration requirement as a sex offender in some of the states where he owned homes (e.g., New Mexico). The charges were filed in Miami, not Palm Beach where the crimes occurred, in order to minimize press coverage. Federal prosecutor A. Marie Villafana wrote a seemingly subservient email to Epstein’s attorney, Jay Lefkowitz, which many thought showed federal prosecutors cowing to the demands of Epstein and his attorneys. She wrote:

“On an ‘avoid the press’ note … I can file the charge in district court in Miami which will hopefully cut the press coverage significantly. Do you want to check that out?’”

The actions of federal prosecutors were bizarre. They were acting more as Epstein’s defenders rather than his prosecutors.

Jeffrey Epstein with young girl

The plea agreement granted immunity to Epstein and four named accomplices – personal assistants Sarah Kellen, Nadia Marcinkova, Adriana Ross, and Lesley Groff. The agreement also granted immunity from federal prosecution to any “potential co-conspirators”.

Epstein’s jail time was served in a private wing of a local county jail. The presiding judge questioned why Epstein was not sent to a Florida state prison like other sex offenders:

“The taxpayers of Palm Beach County are going to pay 18 months to house this guy instead of the Department of Corrections?”

Epstein’s attorney replied, “Right.

The judge made no other argument and allowed the cushy placement.

Inmate W35755 would get 12 hours per day allotted to work outside the confines of the county facility. This was granted despite county dictates stating sex offenders do not qualify for work release arrangements. As a result, Epstein was allowed to work at his West Palm Beach office, sometimes staying as late as 10:00 PM. Visitors to the office were logged and kept in secure storage by Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office but according to a spokesperson, the log of Epstein’s visitors is now missing.

Jeffrey Epstein with young girl

Victims would not be notified of the conclusion of the case which meant they would not know to challenge it in court. The deal would be sealed and hidden from the public. What was thought by most to be impossible had happened. A serial pedophile sex-offender received what many would call “the deal of the century”.

Even the legal community was stunned. Supreme court judge Ruth Pickholtz noted:

“I have to tell you, I’m a little overwhelmed because I have never seen a prosecutor’s office do anything like this. I have done so many sex offender registration hearings much less troubling than this one where the prosecutor would never make a downward argument like this.”

“The damage that happened in this case is unconscionable,” said Bradley Edwards, a former state prosecutor who represents some of Epstein’s victims. “How in the world, does the U.S. attorney engage in a negotiation with a criminal defendant, basically allowing that criminal defendant to write up the agreement?”

The plea agreement became yet another example of the dual justice system in America – one for the rich, another for the poor. The federal negotiator for the deal, Alexander Acosta, would go on to become Labor Secretary under Donald Trump, a federal position that was responsible for overseeing all sex trafficking abuses.

Was Epstein part of a global sex-trafficking operation?

Prince Andrew with 17-year-old Virginia Roberts and Ghislaine Maxwell

Jeffrey Epstein owns homes in Manhattan, Palm Beach, New Mexico, Paris, and on a private island in the U.S. Virgin Islands (i.e. “Little Saint Thomas”). The Miami Herald identified over 80 victims, aged 13 to 16, in Florida alone. According to their reports, the young girls entered the home through a side door into a kitchen where they waited. They were then taken up a staircase off the kitchen to a back room of the home where a massage table was set up. Oils and sex toys sat in nearby cabinet drawers. Epstein would enter the room wearing a white towel. He would lay on his stomach, sometimes talking on the phone, then roll over and demand sexual favors. The girls were always underprivileged, poor, and had little available opportunities. He’d offer to pay for their college. He’d offer enticing career opportunities. He’d offer money. Victims say his last instruction was always “find me more girls”, promising to pay hundreds of dollars for each new girl they brought to him.

Despite the clarity of the crimes, the deal brokered by U.S. Attorney Alexander Acosta freed Epstein from further prosecution. Nobody even knew about the deal until more than a year later. By that time, Epstein was already out of jail and walking the streets again.

By far, the oddest part of the deal was the immunity granted to others who were never identified or named in the agreement. This led many to suspect Epstein’s actions involved a larger sex trafficking operation, possibly even one that crossed international borders and involved other influential (and powerful) people.

Was Ghislaine Maxwell a madam?

Jeffrey Epstein with Ghislaine Maxwell

When knowledge of the plea deal became public, angry victims came forward and claimed there was a global sex ring partially led by British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell. One victim, Virginia Giuffre, said she was working at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago club (located only minutes away from Epstein’s estate) as a $9/hour towel girl when she was recruited to become a masseuse for Epstein. She had no prior experience as a masseuse. She was fifteen years old.

Giuffre claims large sex parties were thrown by Maxwell and hundreds of underage girls brought in to offer to guests. She says the parties were attended by wealthy and powerful politicians, academics, and government leaders. Attorney Allen Dershowitz was named as well as Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew. The private airplane used to fly guests to the parties was nicknamed “The Lolita Express”. FAA records showed Clinton shared the plane ride at least 11 times between 2002 and 2003. In some instances, his name appears on the manifest alongside female passengers with inconspicuous identifications using first name only or no name at all (e.g., “Mary”, “one female”).

Giuffre also claimed there was a “black book” that contained the names of participants at the parties. A list of potential witnesses and/or accomplices could be the smoking gun they were looking for.

Jeffrey Epstein’s Little Black Book

Jeffrey Epstein little black book - Florida contacts

Epstein’s butler, Alfredo Rodriguez, had long maintained he knew about Epstein’s “black book” which he said detailed the “full scope and extent of Epstein’s involvement with underage girls”. He claimed Prince Albert was among the rich and famous that used Epstein’s “sex slaves” and that his name appeared in the book. He refused to turn over the book to prosecutors and was jailed for 18 months when he tried to sell the book for $50,000. He died on December 28, 2014, less than five years after gaining possession of the black book.

The black book was eventually found by investigators and became part of the evidence log. It was leaked by Gawker on the Internet. As Giuffre and Rodriguez had claimed, it contained the names and contact information of many high-profile celebrities, politicians, government leaders, and law enforcement officials.

The strange mentions of modelling agencies in Epstein’s Little Black Book

Jeffrey Epstein little black book - New Mexico contacts

Mostly separated by the geographic areas where he owned homes (e.g., Paris, New York, New Mexico, Florida, London), Epstein’s black book contains various unusual categories including one titled “Jeffery”. Two especially strange categories appear for each geographic location – modelling agencies and “massages”. The modelling agencies listed in the black book look legit. In fact, they are. But why would they appear in Epstein’s black book along with the names of dozens of models for each agency?

At least six modelling agencies were listed in Jeffrey Epstein’s black book, and under each was a listing by first-name only, of dozens of models. It has been reported that Epstein may have lent money (seed money) to at least one of these modeling agencies. It is well known that Epstein desired to set up a modelling agency. There is a comment in one of the court filings where Epstein is quoted as saying, “I want to set up my modeling agency the same way Trump set up his modeling agency.”

Donald Trump set the standard for what Epstein wanted. Trump had been accused many times of securing models from overseas (Russian models in particular). Jean Luc Brunel’s MC2 modelling agency, listed prominently in Epstein’s black book, had been accused of far worse.

Witnesses from MC2 and Karin’s reported the herding of 14–17-year-old models into cramped bunk beds in Manhattan. They say they were then overcharged for the bed, sometimes nearly as much as the standard rent for apartments in the area. Then they were paid little for their efforts, ensuring they did not have enough money to pay their bills. The models say they could do nothing because in many cases they were in the country illegally.

The Daily Beast reported:

“Perhaps most disturbing, in terms of possible sex trafficking, was Epstein’s relationship with Jean Luc Brunel, owner of the MC2 modeling agency. According to a complaint filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, an alleged victim said that Epstein, [assistant and girlfriend Ghislaine] Maxwell, Brunel, [house manager Alfredo] Rodriguez, and Marcinkova ‘deliberately engaged in a pattern of racketeering that involved luring minor children through MC2, mostly girls under the age of 17, to engage in sexual play for money.’”

Accounts from the 1995 book, Model, mentioned Brunel specifically. Jérôme Bonnouvrier stated:

“Jean-Luc is considered a danger. Owning Karins was a dream for a playboy. His problem is that he knows exactly what girls in trouble are looking for. He’s always been on the edge of the system. John Casablancas gets with girls the healthy way. Girls would be with him if he was the butcher. They’re with Jean-Luc because he’s the boss. Jean-Luc likes drugs and silent rape. It excites him.”

John Casablancas (notorious teen-lover) continued the same thought:

“I really despise Jean-Luc as a human being for the way he’s cheapened the business. There is no justice. This is a guy who should be behind bars. There was a little group, Jean-Luc, Patrick Gilles, and Varsano…They were very well-known in Paris for roaming the clubs. They would invite girls and put drugs in their drinks. Everybody knew they were creeps.”

Donald Trump’s entry in Jeffrey Epstein’s little black book

Jeffrey Epstein with Donald Trump

Another name in Epstein’s black book deserves mention – Donald Trump. He is one of the few contacts whose name is circled. Trump initially denied knowing Epstein, but it was widely reported that Trump and Epstein were close. In fact, a private party at Mar-a-Lago club was said to be attended by Trump, Epstein, and 28 “calendar girl” models flown in specifically for the private party. An eyewitness report said,

“It was supposed to be an exclusive party at Mar-a-Lago, Donald J. Trump’s members-only club in Palm Beach, Fla. But other than the two dozen or so women flown in to provide the entertainment, the only guests were Mr. Trump and Jeffrey Epstein.

The year was 1992 and the event was a “calendar girl” competition, something that George Houraney, a Florida-based businessman who ran American Dream Enterprise, had organized at Mr. Trump’s request.

“I arranged to have some contestants fly in. At the very first party, I said, ‘Who’s coming tonight? I have 28 girls coming.’ It was him and Epstein.”

Epstein’s victims fight back

Virginia Roberts accuses Epstein and Maxwell of sex trafficking

Jeffrey Epstein with accused pedophile Woody Allen

Upset that the crimes against them had been brushed off via an unbelievably lenient plea arrangement, Epstein’s victims continued to fight for justice but were struck down time and time again. In March 2011, U.S. District Judge Kenneth Marra rejected the U.S. Attorney’s Office argument that it was under no obligation to notify victims prior to striking a non-prosecution agreement. It seemed as if the victims may have finally caught a break. They had not. The legal battle continued for nearly a decade.

In January 2015, Virginia Roberts stepped forward saying she was forced by Epstein to have sex with Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, and Epstein’s lead attorney, Alan Dershowitz. She said she was underage at the time of the encounters. She maintained Ghislaine Maxwell acted as Epstein’s “madam”. According to Roberts:

“They trafficked me for sexual purposes to many other powerful men, including politicians and powerful business executives.”

She admitted recruiting other girls for Epstein. “The younger the better,” he allegedly said.

She also said Epstein made her tell him about the sexual encounters “so that he could potentially blackmail them”. Indeed, Epstein was in a position to supply authorities with inside information on some of the world’s most powerful people. Evidence buried in court papers filed against Epstein reveal that he recorded the movement of guests using cameras hidden in the walls of rooms.

Virginia Roberts’ allegations were never proven – an out-of-court settlement was made. Roberts now runs an anti-sex trafficking organization in Colorado.

More victims come forward

Cindy Lopez and Sarah Kellen

In June 2016, “Katie Johnson”, aka “Jane Doe”, filed a lawsuit in Manhattan claiming she was raped by Donald Trump at Epstein’s Manhattan mansion in 1994 when she was just 13 years old. Five months later, just days before election day, she dropped the lawsuit claiming she had been threatened and was fearful for her life.

The pattern repeated itself time and time again. Victims came forward. Then backed down. Meanwhile, the young girls surrounding Epstein grew up and were given choice careers, seed money for businesses, opportunities for education. For more than a decade after the plea deal, it was clear to most that Epstein not only evaded justice, he continued to abuse young women, effectively thumbing his nose at authorities. With a seemingly endless supply of money, he was untouchable – until February 2019 when victims finally caught a break.

The victims finally catch a break

Finally, in February 2019, in the middle of the #MeToo movement and Democrat’s rallies against Trump’s sexual abuse allegations, more than 30 congressmen called for a probe of the case. The Department of Justice reopened the case and Federal Judge Kenneth Marra rule that Acosta and other federal prosecutors broke the law by failing to tell victims that a deal had been reached and that they misled victims into believing the FBI was still actively investigating the case. Specifically, it was ruled that because prosecutors did not inform victims of the plea or provide the opportunity to testify about it, the deal violated the Crime Victim’s Rights Act. Michelle Licata, who was victimized by Epstein when she was 16 years old, expressed her relief, “Oh my God, Finally, finally, finally! Justice!”

Jeffrey Epstein with young girl

Fueled with new hope, more victims stepped forward and demanded Epstein’s plea deal be thrown out. In June 2019, the Justice Department announced it would not throw out Epstein’s 2008 non-prosecution agreement.

“The past cannot be undone; the government committed itself to the NPA, and the parties have not disputed that Epstein complied with its provisions.”

What disappointed victims did not know was that the federal government was already working on an entirely separate case against Jeffrey Epstein.

Epstein’s second arrest

Virginia Roberts holding photo of herself at 16

Less than two weeks after federal prosecutors announced they would not reverse Epstein’s 2008 plea agreement, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York, the same office hell-bent on charging President Donald Trump with a crime, opened a case against Epstein saying he abused “dozens of minor girls” between 2002 and 2005. They further claimed that he “used cash payments to recruit a vast network of underage victims” some of whom were as young as 14-years-old. Three victims were identified – Minor Victim 1, Minor Victim 2, and Minor Victim 3. The charges claimed Epstein “worked and conspired with others”. Just as PizzaGate had claimed years earlier, the federal government believed there was evidence of a secret human trafficking network that dealt minor children to the wealthy and elite around the world.

This second case against Epstein bore no double-jeopardy concerns because the crimes were new. With newfound confidence, on Saturday, July 6, 2019, federal agents raided Epstein’s Manhattan townhouse seizing hundreds, “if not thousands” of photographs of what appeared to be underaged girls. The photos were found in a locked safe. Also found inside the safe were CDs with labels such as “Girl’s pics nude”, “Misc. nudes”, and “Young [name] + [Name]” indicating Epstein had recorded evidence (secretly and without their knowledge) of other people engaging in sex with his young girls.

Epstein was arrested at Teterboro Airport in New Jersey upon returning from a trip to Paris. Arrest records show that oddly, the Southern District of New York’s Public Corruption Unit (PCU) was handling the case. This strongly suggested the case would expand to involve one or more high-level officials.

Epstein 2019 federal prosecution

Witness tampering accusation

On July 12, 2019, one week after raiding his New York home, federal prosecutors in New York accused Jeffrey Epstein of witness tampering. Financial records showed two transactions that they believe are efforts by Epstein to pay $350,000 to two of his associates who were named as potential co-conspirators in the non-prosecution agreement Mr. Epstein signed in 2007. The payments were made just two days after the Miami Herald began publishing a series of articles in November 2018 about Epstein’s alleged illegal activity. The timing of the payments suggests Epstein was trying to discourage potential government witnesses from sharing any information about him.

Attempted suicide or attack to silence him?

On July 24, 2019, Epstein was found in a fetal position inside his cell at a New York City jail where he was being held without bail awaiting his trial. The initial indication was that he was attacked. Later authorities said he tried to hang himself or staged a scene to make it appear as if he had tried to hang himself. This was not unusual. Former deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein tweeted that “pedophiles facing federal criminal charges are at high risk for suicide.” Even Epstein’s attorney claimed Epstein would die in prison if he was not given special protection. Regardless, on July 31, 2019, Jeffrey Epstein’s suicide watch was shut down.

On August 9, 2019, hundreds of pages of court documents were unsealed by the New York federal court. The documents alleged new details of sexual abuse claims against multimillionaire Jeffrey Epstein and several associates. At the heart of the documents connected to a 2015 defamation case are allegations by a woman, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who has claimed that Epstein kept her as a teenage “sex slave” and that he was assisted in his efforts by a British woman, Ghislaine Maxwell. Included in the documents were accusations against a host of high-powered men said to be involved in Epstein’s alleged sex-trafficking ring. In part, court filing said,

“These petitioners included in their filings not only descriptions of sexual abuse by Jeffrey Epstein, but also new allegations of sexual abuse by several other prominent individuals including numerous prominent American politicians, powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known Prime Minister, and other world leaders.”

Less than 24 hours later, Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his federal prison cell. The news broke on the 4Chan forum first, 38 minutes before the news hit the official wires. Authorities were quick to claim Epstein had hanged himself, but others pointed out that the Metropolitan Correctional Center is one of the most secure facilities in the country. It’s the same facility used to house high profile mafia kingpins and the 911 bombers. When it was found that his cellmate had been unexpectedly moved just hours before his death, authorities insisted they would investigate further. One person familiar with the case told reporters:

“For several hours leading up to his death, correctional officers hadn’t checked in with Epstein — despite being required to visit him every 30 minutes.”

It was later found that the officers had falsified records to make it appear they had checked on Epstein throughout the night.

Epstein’s autopsy revealed broken bones in Epstein’s neck including the hyoid bone which is typically a telltale sign of strangulation.

On August 16, 2019, Jeffrey Epstein’s death was ruled a suicide.


The following is an archived PizzaGate discussion that occurred several years prior to Epstein’s second arrest.

Operation Lolita Anonymous ID:VcjN472z No.95916107 ViewReplyOriginalReport

Quoted By: >>95920552 >>95921778 >>95922981

Bill Clinton allegedly on Lolita Express plane

>>95925178 >>95926585 >>95927426 >>95927878 >>95934285 >>95935653 >>95946287 >>95948251 >>95953593

Previous thread: >>95885787


Spread this info to normies, rev up those Jewbook and Twatter accounts! We’re getting on hashtags #clintonkids and #protectourkids

>Not only has information come out on Wiener sexting a 15 year old, the real issue underlies in Bill Clinton’s nefarious activities as well as Hillaries sexual activities…both have been a major participant in the Lolita Express.

>Flies down to the Bahamas and allows Bill and Hillary to allow sexual activities with minors.

>Records of Hillary and Bill and other people associated with the Clintons with regards to Pedophilia.

>We are well aware within the intelligence community of their activities that hasn’t stopped…we’re not talking about one trip to the bahamas we’re talking about multiple of 20 or 30 trips that BiIll and Hillary did take separately and together on the Lolita express to engage in sexual activities with minors

The lolita express

>Bill Clinton was frequent flier on the Lolita Express

Other news sources on the Lolita Express:

>Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender’s jet much more than previously known

Bill Clinton jumped abroad disgraced sex offender Jeffery Epstein’s Lolita Express!

Ridiculed and dismissed as a hoax, it now appears that the proponents of Pizza Gate had come uncannily close to the truth.

Additional information

What happened to Epstein’s accomplices?

Garnered from his little black book and supported by victim testimony, Epstein reportedly ran his sex trafficking network with the help of multiple accomplices. His plea agreement specifically granted immunity to four accomplices. For the most part, these accomplices kept their mouths shut and refused to provide any information implicating Jeffery Epstein.

Sarah Kellen

Nada Marcinkova Unknown girl Sarah Kellen

Sarah Kellen, Epstein’s former assistant, was accused in court documents related to the Florida case. Victims had noted they were led to the bedroom by a woman named “Sarah” who told them to not talk about the encounters with authorities. She was said to have kept a Rolodex of young girls to recruit for Epstein. She is now married to NASCAR driver Brian Vickers and owns SLK Designs, an interior design firm. SLK Designs once operated from a building (301 E. 66th Street) owned by Mark Epstein, Jeffrey’s brother. Court documents noted the same building was used to house young women. In March 2010, when asked under oath, “Would you agree with me that Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein used to share underage girls for sexual relations?”, she replied, “On instruction of my lawyer, I must invoke my Fifth Amendment privilege.”

Nadia Marcinkova

Nadia Marcinkova has been called Epstein’s “sex slave”. She was accused of participating in sexual encounters with underage girls. She is now an FAA-certified commercial pilot and flight instructor. Her business operated from 301 E. 66th Street, owned by Epstein’s brother. She has since changed her name to Marcinko. One victim said Epstein told her she was purchased from a family in Yugoslavia when she was 15 years old. When Nadia was asked under oath, “Have you ever been made to perform sexually on Prince Andrew?”, she invoked her Fifth Amendment rights.

Lesley Groff

Adriana Ross (Mucinska) and Jeffrey Epstein

Lesley Groff allegedly coordinated massages for Jeffrey Epstein. She was not mentioned in the indictments but named as one of Epstein’s four female assistants. It was reported that she was paid nearly a quarter-million dollars a year for her services.

Adriana Ross (formerly Adriana Mucinska)

Adriana was a former model from Poland. She worked at the Epstein mansion where she went by the name Adriana Mucinska. She also reportedly lived at the East 66th Street building in Manhattan but refused to confirm this when asked under oath. When asked by attorney Brad Edwards, “Has Prince Andrew been involved with underage minor females to your knowledge?”, she invoked her Fifth Amendment rights and said, “I refuse to answer”. In fact, she refused to provide any incriminating information about Epstein including refusal to answer the following questions while under oath.

Do you know of underage females being transported into this country?

Have you observed Mr. Epstein engaging in sex with underage females?

Are you invoking your Fifth Amendment right because you’re scared to testify against Jeffrey Epstein?

Have you seen Jeffrey Epstein sexually interacting with females as young as 12 years old?

Does Mr. Epstein benefit financially from sex trade?

Did he use RadarOnline as another way to gain access to underage minor females for sex?

Is David Copperfield somebody that would come into town and interact sexually with underage minor females?

Is Jeffrey Epstein paying for your college?

Is Bill Clinton somebody who Jeffrey Epstein has ever procured underage females for?

You removed three computers from the Palm Beach house with another gentleman prior to the search warrant being issued by the Palm Beach police, correct?

Why was the Jeffrey Epstein plea deal so lenient?

There are various theories why Epstein’s plea deal was so bizarrely lenient. It’s possible that the crimes involved influential people, politicians, world leaders, etc. that if named, would cause disruption to the public. But it’s also possible that Epstein turned government witness.

Epstein’s agreement was made in 2008, just prior to the global financial crisis. Epstein was a major, influential investor. He was also a key federal witness in the prosecution against Bear Stearns executes (who were ultimately acquitted).

Another possibility is blackmail. It was reported that Epstein made his fortune by running an illegal blackmail scheme under the cover of a hedge fund. A hedge fund manager told the New York Post:

“I’m hearing about the parties, hearing about a guy who’s throwing money around. I went to my institutional brokers, to their trading desks and asked if they ever traded with him. I did it a few times until the date when he was arrested. Not one institutional trading desk, primary or secondary, had ever traded with Epstein’s firm.”

Potentially, Epstein may have had something to hold over the head of attorneys, government officials, and judges involved with the case.

Jeffrey Epstein’s first release from prison (snippet from New York Times)

When Jeffrey Epstein came back to New York City after being branded a sex offender his reputation appeared to rise. In 2010, the year after he got out of a Florida prison, Katie Couric and George Stephanopoulos dined at his Manhattan mansion with a British royal. The next year, Mr. Epstein was photographed at a “billionaire’s dinner” attended by tech titans like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk. A page popped up on Harvard University’s website lauding his accomplishments, and superlative-filled news releases described his lofty ambitions as he dedicated $10 million to charitable causes.

Powerful female friends served as social guarantors: Peggy Siegal, a gatekeeper for A-list events, included him in movie screenings, and Dr. Eva Andersson-Dubin, a champion of women’s health, maintained a friendship that some felt gave him credibility. Mr. Epstein put up a website showing Stephen Hawking and other luminaries at a science gathering he had organized.

The respect he garnered after release from prison was manufactured, the accomplishments recycled. In an effort to salvage his name, writers churned out news releases (including a paid-for piece in Forbes which was later removed). This social strategy proceeded from a legal one. The lenient agreement he reached with prosecutors — his plea involved one girl, a 17-year-old, and the crime was prostitution, which made it look like the teenager was in part to blame — gave others a reason to dismiss his wrongdoing, decide he had already paid his penalty or not question what had happened. The strategy worked flawlessly.

The victims who are publicly known

Courtney Wild

Jeffrey Epstein Victims Michelle Licata and Courtney Wild

Also known as “Jane Doe No. 1”, Courtney says she was 14 years old when she first met Epstein. She had braces on her teeth, was a high school cheerleader, an accomplished trumpet player, and an A-student. A few years after being molested by Epstein, she became a stripper, drug addict, and ultimately served time in prison.

“By the time I was 16, I had probably brought him 70 to 80 girls who were all 14 and 15 years old. He was involved in my life for years.”

Michelle Licata

Says she was molested by Jeffrey Epstein when she was 14 years old.

Virginia Roberts

Jeffrey Epstein victim Virginia Roberts

Virginia says she was recruited from Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort where she worked as a towel girl. She was molested at age 11, in and out of foster homes by age 13, and on the streets by age 14. She says she was recruited by Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of the late publisher, Robert Maxwell. She says she recruited other girls for Epstein.

“His appetite was insatiable. He wanted new girls, fresh, young faces every single day — that was just the sickness that he had.”

Jennifer Araoz

Jennifer says she was 14 years old when a young woman approached her outside her New York City high school in 2001. The woman asked her question about her family, her upbringing, and said she knew a man who lived nearby who was kind and wealthy.

According to Jennifer, her relationship with Epstein began with massages and ended with forced rape.

Notable names in Epstein’s “little black book”

The following are notable names listed in Jeffreyimage Epstein’s “little black book”. The parenthesized items are notes and text that appear with the name in the black book.

  • Alec Baldwin
  • Lord Beaumont
  • Conrad Black
  • Richard Branson
  • Flavio Briatore (circled)
  • Naomi Campbell
  • Peter Cohen
  • Prince Bandar
  • Bryan Ferry
  • Tony Blair
  • Chris Forbes
  • Christian Gudefin (Deutsche Bank)
  • Dustin Hoffman
  • Robert Hurst (Goldman Sachs)
  • Mick Jagger
  • Ted Kennedy
  • Edward Kennedy
  • Henry Kissinger
  • David Koch
  • Pepe Fanjul
  • Christopher Lawford
  • Courtney Love (arrow pointing to Dana, her money manager)
  • Rupert Murdoch
  • Stephen Pinker (scientist)
  • Rodney Propp (“birdman friend”)
  • Charlie Rose
  • Joan Rivers (daughter “Melissa Rivers”)
  • Maria Shriver
  • Saudi Prince Solman
  • Peter Soros (circled)
  • Larry Summers (Harvard president)
  • Kevin Spacey
  • Ivana Trump
  • Ivanka Trump
  • Robert Trump
  • Chris Tucker
  • Governor Charles Turnbull
  • Barbara Walters
  • Mike Wallace
  • David Wassong
  • Bob Weinstein
  • Dr. Ruth Westheimer
  • Ghislaine Maxwell (dozens of contact numbers listed) (circled)
  • Joseph and Florina Rueda (circled)
  • Sarah Kellen (New York) (circled)
  • Sergeant Robert Goldberg (New York police)
  • Andrea Mitrovich (Ballerina)
  • Alberto Pinto (France) (circled) (dozens of numbers listed)
  • Valdson Vlelra Cotrin (with arrow pointing to “Maria (p) girlfriend”)
  • Eva Andersson (New York) (circled)
  • Ehud Barak (Israel) (circled)
  • Michelle Campos (circled)
  • Jimmy Cayne (Bear Stearns) (circled)
  • Alan Dershowitz (circled)
  • Eric Gany (Connecticut) (circled)
  • Walter Isaacson (Time Magazine)
  • Senator John Kerry
  • Senator George Mitchell
  • N.A. Property Inc (Ohio) (Paul Burkhardt, Kathy Kahn, Carol Snyder, Peggy Ugland, Jim Weltholt, Marc)
  • Timothy Newcombe (circled)
  • Lisa Phillips (“Monica’s friend”) (Also notes Anne, Meredith, Ganaveve, and “Lisa in New Mexico”)
  • Douglas Schoettle (New York)
  • Richard and Laura Yorke Snyder (Golden Books Family Entertainment)
  • Caroline Stark (“Krista’s friend”) (Miami Beach)
  • Ann Stock (Social Secretary US Government)
  • Donald Trump (more than a dozen numbers) (circled)
  • Larry Visoski (Singer Island, Florida) (“Chief Pilot”)
  • Vera (Becker) Wang (Vera ang Bridal House) (New York, Paris, South Hampton)
  • Abigail Plantation Wexner (circled)
  • Les Wexner (London, New Albany) (circled) (more than 3 dozen numbers listed including dozens of automobile numbers, e.g. Range Rover, Mercedes, Jeep Cherokee, Jeep Wrangler, GMC Pickup, White Range Rover, Jeep Grand Cherokee, Lincoln Town Car, Porsche)
  • White House Main Line
  • Lynn and Jojo Fontanitla (“aka Roselyn and Luciano) (circled) (New York)
  • Tom/Pat Sawyers (circled) (New Jersey)
  • Cleaners (Francis Peadon) (“Witness” penciled in)
  • Christophe Gaie (Florida) (“Witness” pencilled in)
  • Mike Pezulo (circled)
  • Police PB – Joe Recarey (arrow pointing to)
  • Alan Stopek (Florida) (circled)
  • Jerome Pierre (“Rugs”)
  • New Mexico Governor Bruce King
  • New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson
  • Attorney General John Kelly
  • Mr. Chow (New York)

Modelling agencies/massage parlors listed in Epstein’s “little black book”

Jean-Luc Brunel (Karin Models – Paris) (Epstein reportedly seeded this agency with money at its inception)

  • Pamela
  • Karin Mossberg
  • Eve
  • Brazil

Katie Ford (New York)

  • Katie

Parisi Massimo ((Baltic Models)

Jeffrey (J) 301 East 66th St. New York (“appointment for models”) (circled)

  • Yokosia
  • Morrison
  • Anna
  • Brent
  • Sarah
  • Dave
  • Larry

Joey Hunter (Modelwire) (New York)

  • Cindy Lopez (Buklarewicz) (Karin Models) (arrows pointing to “parents”) (circled)

CityX (handwritten) (Free classifieds, female escorts, female models, independent escorts)

Names listed under “massage” in Epstein’s “little black book”

New Mexico

  • Diana
  • Laura
  • Daniella
  • Sabrina
  • Rachel
  • Linda
  • Melinda
  • Sabina (“German”)
  • Maureen (“GM really likes”) (Ghislaine Maxwell?)
  • Stina (“GM still to try”)
  • Heidi
  • Nicki (“Bill recommended”) (New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson?)


  • Liz
  • Iz
  • Annabel
  • Barry
  • Joanne
  • Maxine
  • Lisa
  • Bernice
  • Alan
  • Felicity


  • Claudia
  • Debbie/Paris
  • Marie
  • John Casablancas with two young girlsRosemary
  • Alexandria
  • Carolina
  • Debra
  • Isabelle
  • Stephan (“better than Gypsy!)
  • Bastien
  • Deborah
  • Francois
  • Suzanna
  • Corin-thal
  • Karina
  • Laetila
  • Magdali
  • Francos
  • Donna
  • Yelena
  • Nadia <- is this Nadia Marcinkova, Epstein’s reported live-in “sex slave”? She now has a new identity Nadia Marcinko
  • Sonya (“speak little English”)
  • Tanya (“speaks NO English”)

St. Thomas

  • Lynn
  • Karen
  • Muffie
  • Zeon
  • Kevin
  • Gretchen


  • Dawn
  • Cheri
  • Alison (Chambers?)
  • Jodie
  • Joanne
  • Alexandra
  • Tammy
  • Amy
  • Vicky
  • Amber (“mom”)
  • Geri
  • Tammy
  • Dawn
  • Melanie
  • Melissa
  • Jennifer
  • Amber (“mom”)
  • Callie
  • Dominique & Kelly
  • Mary
  • Andrea
  • Heidi
  • Coleen
  • Cristae
  • Cristal
  • Michelle
  • Beth
  • Charlotte
  • Prince Andrew with famous madam hooker Heidi KlumChelsea
  • Cheri
  • Dara
  • Debra
  • Dina
  • Gwendolyn
  • Coleen
  • Jessie (“mom”)
  • Jill
  • Kaija
  • Kiery
  • Kristen
  • Lina
  • Maura
  • Nela
  • Nicole
  • Sheridan
  • Symar
  • Stephanie
  • Jennifer (“gymnast”)
  • Ashley
  • Tammy


  • Tracey
  • Anasesia
  • Danielle
  • Rachel
  • Jeffrey Epstein's Stanley New Mexico Zorro Ranch homeLydia
  • Scott
  • Jackie
  • Lisa
  • Gypsy
  • Lori
  • Jen
  • Sophie
  • Tiffany
  • Marie (“Courtney Love’s)
  • Amber
  • Crissy
  • Chauntae Davies (rumored to be the now-accomplished actress)
  • Marisanna
  • Tanya
  • Chaunlae
  • Alex
  • Elizabeth
  • Christy

Entertainment venues listed in Epstein’s “little black book”

  • Annabels
  • Aspinals
  • Blbendum
  • Clermont Club
  • Daphne
  • Foxtrot Oscar
  • Harrys Bar
  • Marks Club
  • Nam long
  • Nicitas
  • Patisserie Valerie
  • San Lorezo
  • Scalinis
  • Tramp

Bizarre 2015 Podesta email about underage kids in pool

Podesta email regarding kids in pool

2004 Washington Post article about nude teen art in Podesta mansion

Married, With Art

“You’ve got to be pretty secure to have an eight-foot-tall naked man in your living room in Washington, D.C.,” Heather says of her husband’s choice.

What Heather suggests as a badge of her mate’s confidence is a highly intentional statement. After all, Tony’s job is to make an impression. Besides, when the piece isn’t generating blushes, it’s generating conversation.

Heather and Tony Podesta in their Falls Church home with Louise Bourgeois’ “The Arch of Hysteria.” (Robert A. Reeder — The Washington Post)

“At political events, there’s an inevitable awkwardness,” former Clinton administration official Sally Katzen said at a Women’s Campaign Fund dinner at the Podestas’ home this summer. “The art is an ice-breaker. It puts people at ease.”

Not always. Folks attending a house tour in the Lake Barcroft neighborhood in Falls Church earlier this year got an eyeful when they walked into a bedroom at the Podesta residence hung with multiple color pictures by Katy Grannan, a photographer known for documentary-style pictures of naked teenagers in their parents’ suburban homes.

“They were horrified,” Heather recalls, a grin spreading across her face.

If Tony and Heather enjoy in-your-face art, they also reward their artists. The Podestas are eager to assist those they’ve earmarked as promising, and donate time and resources to the cause.

During last year’s Venice Biennale, they threw parties night after night, renting out their favorite restaurant and packing it with artists and a gallerist or two. Here in Washington, they’ve hosted art parties with Patricia Puccini, Cathy de Monchaux, Anna Gaskell, Frank Thiel, Annee Olofsson, Nikki Lee and others. Curators from the Hirshhorn Museum and Corcoran Gallery of Art, top Washington collectors and the city’s best dealers regularly show up. Podesta parties are where connections are made.

“I see lobbying as getting information in the hands of people who are making decisions so they can make more informed decisions,” Tony says. “We do that a lot with museums.”

The couple also donates. About 300 pieces that have passed through Tony’s hands are now in museum collections. Locally, the Corcoran Gallery of Art and the National Museum of Women in the Arts have benefited most.

“Tony loves the artists themselves as much as the artworks,” John Podesta says. Earlier this month, the couple held a party and opening at their Falls Church home in honor of 34-year-old District artist Avish Khebrehzadeh.

Tony and Heather liked her work when they saw it at last year’s Venice Biennale, where the artist received one the event’s prestigious awards, so her Washington dealer set up a visit. That day with Tony in the studio, Khebrehzadeh mentioned wanting to work on a large scale but not having adequate studio space. So Tony offered her the keys to his Falls Church home, with its ample basement. Last winter, Khebrehzadeh spent weekdays at the house working.

Now it’s time to show those works and her dealer’s walls aren’t big enough, either. So Khebrehzadeh’s exhibition opened earlier this month at the Podestas’ house, in the very space where the art was made. Visitors may make appointments to see the show.

Other artists have similar stories. For Belgrade-based up-and-comer Vesna Pavlovic, Heather helped secure a show at Sacramento’s Crocker Art Museum (Heather once worked for the congressman who represents the area). For art stars Jane and Louise Wilson, the couple pulled some Washington strings to ensure the duo had access to Las Vegas casinos for a video shoot.

“It’s inspiring to meet a collector so involved in his own career and, parallel to that, in the arts as well,” says video artist and painter Sarah Morris, speaking from Berlin, where she opened a show last week. “He’s very committed.”

Morris approached Tony in 2000 with her idea for the film “Capital.” The piece ended up as an 18-minute look into Washington’s corridors of power, much of it thanks to strategy sessions with Tony at which Morris would identify the places she wanted to shoot and Tony would tell her how likely she’d be to get in.

“Tony speaks in percentiles,” Morris explains. “I’d say ‘Cabinet Room,’ and he’d be, like, ’30 percent.’ I’d say ‘Pentagon,’ and he’d say ’60 percent.’ “

Co-conspiratorial leanings aside, Tony likes to see his artists’ results and will travel to openings to support them. “Sometimes our life feels like an art travelogue,” Tony says of the constant back-and-forth.

“He travels more than any artist I know. And artists travel a lot,” Morris says. “Tony would show up and surprise you.”

But these days, Tony’s focus is the battleground state of Pennsylvania and getting his candidate elected.

South Korea’s Gwangju Biennial, which opened earlier this month, is the kind of show that normally would prompt Tony to get on a plane. “If it weren’t for Kerry, I’d be going,” Tony says with a hint of regret. It’s one of the few times that art has had to slide.

July 10, 2019 Insider article about the bizarre temple on Epstein’s Little St. James private island

Epstein’s island, officially known as Little Saint James, is situated between St. Thomas and St. John, two of the largest islands of the US Virgin Islands in the Caribbean. Its 78 acres resemble a bird in flight, with its head, tail, and two wings corresponding to the intercardinal directions:

The main residence and compound occupies the northeast point, and a pair of guest houses occupy the northwest and southeast points. The southwest point, however, features a very different kind of building:

There’s a lot going on here. The base is painted with broad, vivid blue horizontal stripes, and supports a large, golden dome. The entrance consists of an arched, seemingly wooden door equipped with black metal hardware. The sides appear to be cut with large windows, including a full-length one in the rear. You can see the back of the structure in a high-definition video captured in 2015 by Axiom, which produces and sells aerial photography.

The front is flanked by statues painted in gold; one of them appears to be the trident-wielding Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea, while two others look like birds perched on the corners of the roof. It is surrounded by a line of palm trees and a terrace with a labyrinth motif. Finally, the exterior seems to incorporate an optical illusion, to create the impression that the exterior windows and door are set within carved flanges.

It strongly resembles a temple, though of which sort remains elusive. Epstein is Jewish, and it is possible that he wanted his own private synagogue. But the statuary would be out of place at such a temple, given the Old Testament’s prohibition on graven images. Though the cubic base and dome call to mind Islamic architecture, Poseidon would likewise be an odd choice for a mosque. Churches, of course, tend to feature crosses.

One clue appeared in an Associated Press story, published earlier today, about Epstein’s life on and around the island. Here’s the relevant passage:

Epstein built a stone mansion with cream-colored walls and a bright turquoise roof surrounded by several other structures including the maids’ quarters and a massive, square-shaped white building on one end of the island. Workers told each other it was a music room fitted with a grand piano and acoustic walls. Its gold dome flew off during the deadly 2017 hurricane season.

While this explanation is somewhat believable — Epstein is a classically-trained pianist— the wording suggests it is more of a rumor than a commonly-known fact. Either way, it’s not exactly clear why Epstein would position a “music room” so far away from every other structure on the island.

The second claim — “its gold dome flew off during the deadly 2017 hurricane season” — is more supported. Google Earth satellites clearly captured the dome on August 10, 2017, but it’s not seen at all in photographs taken on September 7, 2017, or in any subsequent image. A pair of substantial hurricanes, Irma and Maria, struck the U.S. Virgin Islands between those two dates.

The “temple” has several strange features, including a door designed to prevent people from leaving
Certain features of the “temple” raise even more questions. When INSIDER consulted James Both, a contractor and engineer based in Chicago, he first pointed to the wooden door. “It’s styled like what you might see on a castle, with what appears to be a reinforcing lock bar across the face,” he said. “What makes it peculiar is that if you wanted to keep people out, the bar would be placed inside the building, [but the] locking bar appears to be placed on the outside … as if it were intended to lock people in.”

Downhill from the structure, at the end of a service path that branches from the main road leading to the building, lies what appears to be a smaller structure or entrance. Here’s what it currently looks like on Apple Maps (notice the lack of a dome):

The smaller structure is significant if only because it could theoretically offer a second method of accessing or leaving the larger building, which in turn would suggest the presence of a hidden structure underneath it.

This possibility has gained some currency among online conspiracy theorists, some of whom believe Epstein erected the building to serve as a secluded facility for abusing children. Others have floated the hypothesis that it conceals an elevator shaft, which in turn accesses a subterranean lair where the same abuse occurred. Both groups have referred to the building as a “temple.”

There is some evidence that the larger building and the smaller structure are related to one another. According to historical satellite imagery made available by Google Earth, both were constructed sometime between 2009 and 2013.

But Both, the Chicago contractor and engineer, said the smaller structure looked less like a secret entrance and more like a cistern for storing or treating water, a necessity for bringing plumbing to the more remote parts of the island. Another possibility, he added, was “a small caretaker’s shack which might include equipment for maintaining the property.”

As for a secret elevator and lair: “It is absolutely possible to install a dwelling and elevator underneath the structure.” The main caveat, however, was privacy: “If an elevator was built there, [there] would most likely be a record with the vendor who installed the elevator, as they typically require yearly maintenance and inspection. … A simple stairwell would be a better option if someone wanted to conceal their activities at the location.”

All of the attention hasn’t been uniformly conspiratorial. In 2017, the Twitter user The War Economy assembled what is likely the most comprehensive resource about Little St. James, including the identities of several architects who helped design the island’s buildings. However, those architects provided their services long before the temple-like building first appeared.

Geeks talk back