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After deathbed confession, FBI begins search of New Jersey landfill for the body of Teamster boss Jimmy Hoffa, who disappeared in 1975 without a trace.

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After receiving what investigators call a “credible” and “very significant” tip, the search for Jimmy Hoffa’s body has resumed once again. FBI agents executed search warrants this week at a New Jersey landfill, a location investigators had received tips about immediately after Hoffa’s disappearance in 1975.

The tip came from a written statement penned by Frank Cappola who was a teenager when he witnessed the body being disposed of in the PJP Landfill near the Skyway.

“While I was talking to my dad, a black limousine drove into our lot in the mud. Father turned to a partner at the landfill, Phil Moscato, and said, “They’re here.”

According to Cappola, the people in the limousine pointed to an area where they wanted to bury a body (at the time, Frank did not know what they were pointing at). His father replied, “Now the whole f**cking world will know!”

Frank never knew who was being buried until 2008 when his father revealed what had truly happened. He instructed Frank to reveal the truth when he felt the time was right.

Hoffa’s disappearance is the stuff of legends. On July 30, 1975, Mr. Hoffa travelled to Bloomfield Township, Michigan to meet with New Jersey Mafia boss Anthony Proveenzaon, with whom Hoffa’s relationship had severely soured. He was to sit down with Mr. Provenzano and another mobster at the Machus Red Fox, a popular restaurant. But when he arrived, the other two men were not there. That was the last anyone saw of Jimmy Hoffa (a couple of witnesses said they saw Hoffa standing on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant where a car stopped into which Hoffa climbed into the backseat).

Rumors quickly swirled that Hoffa had been murdered and his body dumped at a landfill owned by Phil Moscato. However, authorities had no idea where inside the dump they should search. A few cursory searches were conducted but revealed nothing.

Frank told the New York Times.

“The men in the limousine had come to instruct the men in the dump that Mr. Hoffa’s body was being delivered shortly and that they were to bury it, Paul Cappola told his son. Mr. Moscato told him to do the job himself. My father was upset with Mr. Moscato for pointing to that area of the landfill because the dump was constantly under police scrutiny.”

Frank described how the body was transferred to the dump and placed in a metal barrel:

“Unidentified people brought Hoffa’s dead body to PJP landfill. Because of the awkward position of Hoffa’s corpse after they removed him from whatever container he was in before, they were unable to place him, feet first, in a 55-gallon steel drum retrieved at PJP. So, they put him in the drum headfirst.”

Frank’s father was left to bury the barrel. When everyone left, he decided to put the barrel in a spot more to his liking – one just outside the landfill’s perimeter. A second hole was dug with an excavator and the barrel containing Hoffa’s body was buried.

“The new hole was on a desolate patch of unused state property just outside the dump, between eight and 15 feet deep, the father told his son. He buried the Hoffa barrel first, followed by as many as 15 to 30 chemical drums and chunks of brick and dirt, he told his son. Then he covered the whole area with dirt. He “placed something detectable just under the surface of the grave site, which I am willing to disclose to law enforcement,” Frank Cappola wrote in his affidavit. Paul Cappola told his son he never shared the location with his partner or anyone else.

The location where Hoffa’s body is buried is a flat, paved area, just outside the old boundaries of the JLP landfill, beneath the Pulaski Skyway, the bridge that connects Jersey City and Newark over the nearby Hackensack and Passaic rivers. Arrows in the photos below point to the exact location where Frank says Jimmy Hoffa’s body is buried.

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