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The pedophile handshake – how pedophile secret symbols are used by pedo underground in plain sight.

Pedophile secret symbols revealed by the FBI

A mysterious document appears on WikiLeaks. The discovery of pedophile secret underground symbols.

For decades, the symbols had appeared unnoticed on websites, jewelry (e.g. pendants, rings, coins), clothing, and sometimes hidden in plain sight within other imagery. Then a mysterious document purported to be an unclassified FBI document appeared on WikiLeaks. The document revealed various symbols and images used to covertly signal, within the pedophile underground culture, the pedophile’s preference, cause, or illicit intent.

It was reported that when the symbols were discovered, the FBI issued an intelligence bulletin to law enforcement offices:

“Pedophiles, to include those who sexually abuse children as well as those who produce, distribute, and trade child pornography, are using various types of identification logos or symbols to recognize one another and distinguish their sexual preferences. To specifically indicate the pedophile’s gender preference, members of pedophilic organizations encourage the use of descriptions such as “boylove”, “girllove”, and “childlove.”

Although the announcement was not shared with the public, shortly afterward, the public learned of the symbolism via the WikiLeaks document.

The pedophile logos

Once recognized, the logo imagery is easy to reconcile. According to the FBI documents, the following logos are used within the pedophile community.

“ChildLover” logo

pedophile childlover logo 2

The ChildLover logo indicates no preference for boys or girls. It consists of a butterfly shape formed from two large hearts (the wings) and two small hearts (the bi-segmented butterfly body). One set of hearts is pink (representing girls) while the other set of hearts is blue (representing boys).

“BoyLover” logo

pedophile boylover logo 2

The BoyLover logo is used to signify boys under the age of eighteen. It consists of a blue, spiraling triangle framed within another, smaller triangle.

“LittleBoyLover” logo

pedophile littleboylover logo

The LittleBoyLover logo is used to signal preferences for young boys. It also consists of a blue, spiraling triangle but drawn in clumsy children’s scrawl.

“GirlLover” logo

Pedophile GirlLover logo

The GirlLover logo is used to indicate preferences for young girls. It consists of a smaller pink heart (the child) inside a larger pink heart (representing the adult).

ChildLove Online Media Activism logo

Pedophile ChildLove online media activism logo

The ChildLove activism logo is used as part of an organized campaign attempt to convince the public that relationships between adults and children should be legalized. It consists of the GirlLover logo and the BoyLover logo combined into a single graphic.

Pedophile logos appear on children’s’ toys and corporate logos

The FBI document notes that when the pedophile symbol appears on jewelry, it indicates the wearer’s sexual preference. However, when it appears on children’s toys or corporate logos, it signals a child is available for “trade”.

Soon, people noticed the symbols everywhere. Parenting groups pointed out the codes embedded in toy graphics and corporate logos (typically companies who produced children’s products). Some companies promptly removed the emblems from their products while others stubbornly refused to change their logo, professing the rejection of an underground movement’s attempt to hijack their corporate emblem.

The Monster Jam truck toy debacle

Pedophile logo on Monster Jam truck toy

In some cases, the pedophile calling cards have appeared on mass-market toys, possibly snuck in by artists or designers or possibly just an innocent mistake. Once such instance occurred in Pasco County, Florida in March 2016. Police were notified after a parent found the secret coding (the GirlLover logo) printed on a girl’s souvenir toy truck purchased at a Florida Monster Jam truck event. The mother told reporters,

“I’m absolutely sick. I bought this for my 2-year-old little girl. This toy was made for little girls. I wanted answers.”

The plush toy trucks, which were marketed to young girls, were quickly pulled from the market in a massive recall. The company spokesperson publicly announced,

“We’re shocked. We had no idea. We reacted immediately. We wanted to do the right thing as quickly as possible. Clearly we’re in the business with providing high quality family entertainment. This was really obscure. Until yesterday, I had no idea there was an underlying meaning of these symbols and the deplorable behavior. We just don’t know if a crime was committed here. We have not been contacted by LEOs. We just want to make sure it doesn’t happen again.”

How the symbol came to be included on the toy remains unknown.

GB Glace and Good Humor ice cream logo

Good humor ice cream logo with purported pedophile symbol

Internet users noted that the logo appeared in the GB Glance ice cream logo. GB Glace, the largest ice cream company in Sweden, was purchased by Unilever in 1996. Others noticed that the logo also appears prominently on Good Humor ice cream, a Dutch-owned American brand of ice cream. Given the nature of their products, some believe they may be the original source of the symbolisms adopted by the pedophile community.

Besta Pizza logo (Yay, PizzaGate!)

Besta pizza logo before and after

In November 2016, Besta Pizza, a Washington DC pizza restaurant, found themselves embroiled in a curious online conspiracy theory known as PizzaGate (#pizzagate). When it was discovered that their logo contained a pedophile symbol, claims that the restaurant was home to pedophile activities began to appear on public forums, particularly the notable hoaxster forum, 4chan, and geek site Reddit. The restaurant denied the claims (“It’s a piece of pizza!”) and promptly altered their logo, removing the offensive symbol. Regardless, the company suffered repeated threats including an arm-gunmen who fired his weapon inside the restaurant (but found no evidence support the conspiracy theory). 

Today it is widely accepted that the PizzaGate fiasco was a purposely concocted farce that went viral.

Voodoo Doughnut logo

Voodoo doughnut logo with arrow pointing to symbol resembling pedophile sign

Voodoo Doughnut is an iconic donut shop founded in Portland, Oregon in 2003. With a tagline, “The magic is in the hole” and a line of unusual (and to some, offensive) doughnuts including “Triple Chocolate Penetration”, “Dirty Bastard”, “Gay Bar Donut”, and the “Cock and Balls Donut” (a donut shaped like male genitalia), Voodoo Doughnuts thrives on controversial sexual connotations.  As a result, the restaurant has long been subject to various bizarre rumors such as hidden dungeons inside stores, secret underground tunnels running underneath shops, and mysterious occult practices conducted within the restaurant’s walls. Nothing was more shocking however, than the discovery that their logo contained a symbol similar to the LittleBoyLover pedophile symbol. Given the restaurant’s propensity for shock value through sexual undertones, it is unclear whether the symbol was purposely placed within the Voodoo Doughnut logo or not.

Additional information

The original text of the FBI Intelligence Bulletin regarding “Symbols and Logos used by pedophiles to identify sexual preferences”

Below is the original text and document that appeared on WikiLeaks.

31 January 2007

Symbols and Logos Used by Pedophiles to Identify Sexual Preferences

This intelligence bulletin addresses Crimes Against Children Standing Intelligence Requirements Set contained in Q-FBI-2200-005-06, HRWC CAC-VI.A.5.

Pedophiles, to include those who sexually abuse children as well as those who produce, distribute, and trade child pornography, are using various types of identification logos or symbols to recognize one another and distinguish their sexual preferences. To specifically indicate the pedophile’s gender preference, members of pedophilic organizations encourage the use of descriptions such as “boylove”, “girllove”, and “childlove.” These symbols have been etched into rings and formed into pendants, and have also been found imprinted on coins.

The BoyLover logo (BLogo) is a small blue spiral-shaped triangle surrounded by a larger triangle, whereby the small triangle represents a small boy and the larger triangle represents an adult man. A variation of the BLogo is the Little Boy Lover logo (LBLogo), which also embodies a small spiral-shaped triangle within a larger triangle; however, the corners of the LBLogo are rounded to resemble a scribbling by a young child. Images of the BLogo and LBLogo symbols are depicted below.

Pedophile Boy Lover logo on jewelry

The GirlLover logo (GLogo) depicted below is a small heart surrounded by a larger heart, which symbolizes a relationship between an adult male or female and minor girl.

Pedophile Girl Lover logo and jewelry

The ChildLover logo (CLogo), as shown below, resembles a butterfly and represents non-preferential gender child abusers. The Childlove Online Media Activism Logo (CLOMAL), also represented below, is a general purpose logo used by individuals who use online media such as blogs and webcasts.

Pedophile Child Lover and ChildLove logos

FBI investigations in several cities have uncovered several symbols used by pedophiles to proclaim their attraction to children. After a seizure of a subject’s computer in connection with an Innocent Images case in the Jacksonville Division, a Computer Analysis Response Team forensic examiner came across an unfamiliar symbol that was integrated into a Web site banner named “ATBOYS.COM, where the “A” in “ATBOYS” was actually the BoyLove symbol and written as follows: It was further determined that “ATBOYS” is an acronym for Attracted To Boys. These pedophilia symbols also appear on Web sites such as one of the banners advertised on, shown below.

In another incident, FBI Sacramento was alerted by the California Department of Justice about an unusual marking on a coin. Research of the marking concluded that the BoyLover logo (BLogo) was imprinted on the front of the coin, and the phrase “Kids Love Pedos” was engraved on the back of the coin. (Coins depicting the BLogo are pictured on page one.) The appearance of the BLogo on coins is another method used by pedophiles to announce their sexual preferences.

Pedophilia symbols on jewelry, coins, Web sites and other effects are indicative of advertisement methods used by child sexual predators to promote their cause. Pedophile activists advocate for the social acceptance of sexual relationships between adults and children. These organizations seek to decriminalize sexual relationships between adults and children and to legalize child pornography based on their belief that children have the ability to consent to sexual acts.

Identical or similar jewelry and symbols as described in this intelligence bulletin should raise suspicion of possible pedophilia activity when found during searches. Investigators should also be attentive to pedophilia symbols advertised on Web sites. During examinations of computer files, investigators should be conscious of subjects who try to conceal child pornography by labeling them with symbols instead of the typical suggestive explicit names.

FBI symbols and logos used by pedophiles to identify sexual preferences

Sources: Wikipedia, FBI, Snopes, WFLA, Huffington Post, Free Republic, Reddit, 4Chan, Besta Pizza, Voodoo Doughnuts, Good Humor, Washington Post

Image Credits

In-Article Image Credits

Pedophile GirlLover logo via WikiLeaks with usage type - Public Domain
via WikiLeaks with usage type - Public Domain
Pedophile ChildLove online media activism logo via WikiLeaks with usage type - Public Domain
via WikiLeaks with usage type - Public Domain
via WikiLeaks with usage type - Public Domain
Good humor ice cream logo with purported pedophile symbol via Good Humor with usage type - Editorial use (Fair Use)
FBI symbols and logos used by pedophiles to identify sexual preferences via WikiLeaks with usage type - Public Domain
Pedophile Child Lover and ChildLove logos via WikiLeaks with usage type - Public Domain
Pedophile Girl Lover logo and jewelry via WikiLeaks with usage type - Public Domain
Pedophile logo on Monster Jam truck toy via with usage type - Editorial use (Fair Use)
Besta pizza logo before and after via Self with usage type - Creative Commons License
Pedophile secret symbols revealed by the FBI via WikiLeaks with usage type - Public Domain
Pedophile Boy Lover logo on jewelry via WikiLeaks with usage type - Public Domain
Voodoo doughnut logo with arrow pointing to symbol resembling pedophile sign via Austin Culture Map with usage type - Editorial use (Fair Use)

Featured Image Credit

Pedophile secret symbols revealed by the FBI via WikiLeaks with usage type - Public Domain


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