
Scary Halloween Costumes 2011

Nostradamus, (or Notradamus) the sixteenth century physician turned seer, supposedly foresaw the French and Russian Revolutions, the career and death of Hitler, and more.

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Marfa Lights – the mysterious light show in west Texas

The Marfa Lights seen from the Marfa Lights Viewing Area at early dawn. The two bright circular white lights are Marfa Lights, probably a few hundred yards away. The leftmost light is due to vehicle headlights traveling north toward Marfa on Route 67 from Presidio.

In 1883, the first official report of the Marfa Lights came out. A Texas homesteader, Robert Ellison, noticed the lights and feared that Indians were attacking his home. After viewing the lights for some time however, it became clear to Mr. Ellison that these mysterious lights were not attacking Indians. These lights danced and flew…

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Mysterious Tunguska explosion rocks remote area of Siberia in 1908

On June 30, 1908 at approximately 7:15AM, a huge explosion occurred in a remote, mosquito infested swamp near the Tunguska River. A local reindeer herding tribe, called the Evenki, described seeing a bright, white light streak across the sky. They claimed the object, with a tail over 800 kilometers long, made no noise as it…

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Slithering Rocks in Death Valley National Park

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In California’s Death Valley, there is an area call ‘Racetrack’ that has puzzled visitor’s for hundreds of years. The area gets its name from the large flat stones that mysteriously ‘race’ around this barren dry lake bed.

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Icy Bombs

On September 2, 1958 in Madison Township, New Jersey, Dominick Bacigalup survived an experience that to this date has confounded scientists. While sitting at his kitchen table, Dominick was bewildered when the roof and attic of his kitchen exploded with a deafening roar. After Dominick regained his senses, he was puzzle to find that a…

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Ball Lightning

On July 5, 1852, a Periason man reported an extraordinary event. While sitting in his living room chair, a bright ball of light descended down his chimney and emerged from the fireplace.

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All hail the US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court

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There exists in Washington D.C. a highly secretive court called the US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. Responsible for deciding when a politically dangerous wiretap is appropriate, this branch of the US government is located on the 6th floor of the Justice Department building. Housed in a lead-enclosed vault (to prevent bugging), this organization is not…

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