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No major revelations at MUFON symposium, but noted physicist Eric Davis goes on record, “UFOs are real”

Physicist Eric Davis (left) with his colleagues

No big announcements came out of last weekend’s MUFON symposium (other than a newly announced partnership between MUFON and France’s official UFO investigation organization, GEIPAN) but we knew that any gathering of notable Ph.D.’s and scientists was going to produce some thought-provoking revelations. Distinguished physicist Eric Davis, made some pretty bold statements about his colleagues. Davis, a research physicist at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin, Texas, is an expert in light-speed travel and recently won an award from the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics for his study, “Faster-Than-Light Space Warps, Status and Next Steps”. This weekend, David said that “UFOs are real” and that he knows many colleagues who quietly study the UFO phenomena.

“There are scientists who are aware of evidence and observational data that is not refutable. It is absolutely corroborated, using forensic techniques and methodology. But they won’t come out and publicize that because they fear it. Not the subject — they fear the backlash from their professional colleagues. The impact on their career might be detrimental and they’d get bad publicity.”

Davis believes that the domain for UFO investigations doesn’t really belong in the hands of scientists.

“It’s the domain of military intelligence. The fact that [unknown] craft are flying around Earth is not a subject for science – it’s a subject for intelligence-gathering, collection and analysis. That’s because UFOs are not a natural phenomenon, and that’s what science studies.”

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