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Mass UFO sighting in Canada – citizens report unusual light formations in the sky over Toronto.

UFOs (formation of bright lights) over Toronto, Canada (July 26, 2014)

UFOs (formation of bright lights) over Toronto, Canada (July 26, 2014)Citizens of Canada inundated social networks, and police phone lines, with reports of brightly lit UFOs in the skies over north Toronto on Sunday (7/27/14).  The sightings occurred late Saturday night into early Sunday morning with reports of several lights, some in a perfectly straight diagonal alignment, hovering over neighborhoods in the Yonge Street and Sheppard Avenue areas of north Toronto.

Sarah Chun of North York noticed the lights while working on her laptop. She went to the balcony to take a closer look and grabbed video with her cellphone (see video below). She said:

“I saw something flashing. Especially the diagonal lights, they were kind of shooting upwards. I thought it might be a helicopter at first, but then it wasn’t moving, it was just flashing. I didn’t know what it was.”

Another witness reported the UFO’s movement:

“It stayed in one spot for about 10 to 15 minutes but then started moving Southwest towards Yonge and Sheppard… then disappeared out of my sight.”

Sgt. Barry White, of 32 Division, confirmed receiving calls from citizens regarding the mysterious lights and said several officers also saw the lights. He told reporters it may have been a toy helicopter but after searching the area, could not find anyone flying such a craft. There was no explanation for the diagonally aligned series of lights (a formation which would be difficult to accomplish with quadcopters) that were filmed about 30 degrees west of the solo flying object.

NORAD saw nothing unusual on radar over the skies of Toronto and said no reports from pilots were received. This contradicts one witness who says airplanes definitely saw the objects and made maneuvers to avoid them.

“My mom got two really good pictures of it, was right in the flight path. Planes were going right and left to get around it.”

Check out the video below. We have added post-processing zooms and trimmed some segments. Hovercrafts, lights on a string, or something else?

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