It was only a few months prior that Russian miners dug up an intriguing disc-shaped stone at Siberia’s Kuznetsk Basin, Russia. Archaeologists were called in to examine the “craft” which the excavators believed fell from space. The unusual object was perfectly circular with a dome-shaped top and weighed over 400 lbs. The depth at which the object was found hints that it could be older than mammoth bones found in the same area at a much shallower depth. This week, another disc-shaped stone object was found – a much bigger one.

Vadim Chernobrov, head of Russia’s UFOlogy and Cryptozoology group, reported that his team unearthed a 14-foot disc-shaped stone at the Medveditskaya ridge region of the Zhirnovsky district in Volgograd. The object is perfectly symmetrical and one of dozens of similar fossilized discs the team has found near the site.