The requirements are unusual – complex structures with multiple levels, ideally covering “several city blocks”. Oh, and they need to be underground. That’s the “urgent” call DARPA issued this week to private company and university-managed underground tunnels. And it’s got people freaked out.
DARPA issued the call on August 20th and pointed out that tunnel owners have only until August 30th to offer their underground spaces which DARPA says will be used for “research and experimentation” purposes. Of course, this led to the public asking, “Why does DARPA want access to massive underground tunnels and what are they *really* going to do with them?”
It was proposed that the purpose of DARPA’s request was for an underground “urban circuit” contest but no explanation was offered for why the request was issued only 10 days prior. The short theory is of course, DARPA is preparing space for the wealthy and elite to evacuate to when who-knows-what is about to happen.
Here’s the official notice that went out on Twitter:
“Attention, city dwellers! We’re interested in identifying university-owned or commercially managed underground urban tunnels and facilities able to hose research and experimentation. It’s short notice. We’re asking for response by August 30 at 5:00 PM ET.
The ideal space would be a human-made underground environment spanning several city blocks with complex layout and multiple stories, including atriums, tunnels, and stairwells. Spaces that are currently closed off from pedestrians or can be temporarily used for testing are of interest.”