Soyuz video reveals a dark, ominous object hovering above Earth
in 2017, Russian news media went wild over video from the Soyuz which claimed to have captured an unusual object flying near the spacecraft. Explanations included of course CGI and space junk, but many believed the object passing by Soyuz was the legendary Black Knight satellite.
The Black Knight satellite is a near-polar orbiting object that some claim is a 13,000-year-old alien artifact lurking in the solar system. According to UFOlogist theories, its existence was first suggested after radio signal experiments in the late 1800’s detected inexplicable “echoes” in space. Similar radio signals were recorded in the 1930’s.
A satellite detected in 1954 – before there were any satellites in space?
In 1954, newspapers in the US (St. Louis Dispatch, The San Francisco Examiner) ran stories attributed to retired naval aviation major and UFO researcher Donald Keyhoe. Keyhoe allegedly revealed the US Air Force had reported detecting two satellites orbiting Earth. No nation had the technology to launch satellites at that point.
Three years later, in 1957, the USSR launched Sputnik 1. Within hours reports from Russia’s space center indicated an unknown object was “shadowing” Sputnik. When Sputnik 2 was launched one month later, Dr. Luis Corralos of the Communications Ministry in Venezuela photographed the Black Knight Satellite approaching Sputnik 2 as it orbited Earth.
In 1960, TIME magazine published an article about the discovery of an unknown object in polar orbit around the Earth (at the time, both US and Soviet satellites were all in equatorial orbit). The US Department of Defense quickly dismissed the report claiming the object was space debris from the Discover satellite. Years later citizens learned of the CORONA project, a space photo-reconnaissance program created to monitor Soviet missile facilities.
Space Shuttle Endeavor photographs The Black Knight Satellite
Then in 1998, the Space Shuttle Endeavor flight STS-88 photographed an amorphous black object hovering ominously above Earth. The object was irregularly shaped, an odd combination of sharp edges and glorious curves, and a deep, dark black color. Once again, authorities (NASA this time) quickly stepped in and explained that the object was a “thermal blanket” that had come untethered from the Shuttle. Video emerged of astronauts watching the object and discussing how to recover it. The object was photographed several more times over the course of the next week before, according to NASA, finally falling out of orbit and tumbling to Earth.
However, the story didn’t end there. Sightings of the Black Knight Satellite continued even after NASA claimed the object had burnt up on its descent from space. On July 31, 2015, video emerged of the object passing between the International Space Station and the Moon. More photographs materialized that same day, taken from earth, of the object passing in front of the moon.
Detractors have debunked the mysterious Black Knight Satellite many times – yet it keeps showing up in photographs and video time and time again.
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Video of the Black Knight Satellite
Check out the latest video (February 2016) of the Black Knight Satellite below.
Image Credits
In-Article Image Credits
The Black Knight Satellite via Altered Dimensions with usage type - Public DomainThe Black Knight Satellite via Altered Dimensions with usage type - Public Domain
The Black Knight Satellite via NASA with usage type - Public Domain
The Black Knight Satellite via Altered Dimensions with usage type - Public Domain
Featured Image Credit
The Black Knight Satellite via Altered Dimensions with usage type - Public Domain