How to open a metal can without using a can opener.

Opening a can with a can opener

It happens to the best of us. You have the food but forgot the eating utensils or plates. When it comes to canned food, failing to bring the can opener may seem like an end-of-the-world disaster – unless you know these simple methods for opening a metal can without using a can opener.

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How to make glue in the wild (pine pitch glue).

Pine pitch glue

Glue can be used to repair tents, tarps, and to form tools (e.g. fletching on an arrow). It can be used as a sealant for containers (or canoes) or to waterproof coverings. And of course, if you cannot scavenge glue, you must make it yourself. Pine pitch glue can be easily made producing a adhesive…

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How to make Napalm (a recipe for simple homemade napalm).

Napalm mixture in beaker

Napalm is the generic name for the mixture of a flammable petroleum substance, typically diesel gasoline, with a thickening or gelling agent to give the fiery substance “sticky” properties. Napalm-like fiery substances have been used since early Greek times for war purposes. Modern day uses include of course, as an incendiary substance that sticks readily…

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Arc welding using car batteries and quarters.

A welder draws his beads

Imagine the apocalypse has struck, zombies are running wild, and civilization as we know it has basically ceased to exist– no phone service, no Internet, no electricity. Still, you must repair a metal tool but there are no welding machines available for use. There are however, plenty of abandoned cars left scattered about and since…

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How to make a powerful survival bow out of cheap PVC pipe

PVC bow flexed

There are a couple of ways to make a PVC bow. In a pinch, you can simply take a 4-6 foot piece of PVC pipe, notch the ends, and string with paracord at a high enough tension to bend the bow limbs. The second method is a bit more involved but results in a more…

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