When creating bugout bags, a collection of supplies required to survive an unexpected event, most survivalists use a backpack to hold the survival supplies. The size and maneuverability of backpacks make them ideal choices for survival kits. Their large size however, can be a constraint. That doesn’t have to be the case however. With a bit of compromise, you can create a bugout bag the size of a fanny pack. This compact kit can be stored in your vehicle, work desk, or carried along with a backpack on a casual outing.
To begin, make sure everything in the bag is carefully arranged to maximize use of the limited space available. Here’s what you need to include:
- Condoms (2): for water storage
- Plastic drinking tube, 2-4-foot-long: for drinking from crevices or other hard-to-reach places
- Gallon and quart-size Ziploc bags: for various uses including water storage, still construction, skim water from water supply
- Iodine: to disinfect water (five drops per quart of water)
- Map and compass: the basic requirements for navigation
- Bright-colored tape (orange or yellow): for marking your route
- Dental floss: one of the toughest strings around
- Duct tape: of course…
- Flashlight: a mini flashlight with a spare bulb and batteries should fit easily in the pack
- Cigarette lighter: for your primary fire starting tool
- Firestarter: magnesium block with striker that acts as a backup to your cigarette lighter
- Waterproof matches: also a backup to your cigarette lighter
- Fire material: cotton balls saturated with Vaseline/petroleum jelly make excellent fire starting materials and can be stuffed into film canisters.
- Magnifying glass: for signaling and fire starting
- Glass signal mirror: for signaling others
- Thermal blanket: light thermal blankets are typically not larger than a deck of cards
- Heavy blanket or tarp: can be used for shelter or as a large signaling device
- Large leaf bags: use for shelter, as a rain suit, or for collecting rainwater
- Paracord: 50 feet of 550-pound military parachute cord provides too many uses to list.
- Knife: a fixed, double-edge carbon steel blade knife
- Bandana: for various uses including water filter, face mask, head covering.
- First aid supplies: various-sized bandages and antibiotic ointment are your primary first-aid supplies.