National Geographic reported this unbelievably terrifying photo of a Great White Shark lunging for bait dangling from a shark cage. The photo was taken by 26-year-old Amanda Brewer who acts as a courageous cage diver by night and a, wait for it… New Jersey school teacher by day! She took the photo of the female great white shark off Seal Island in Mossel Bay, South Africa. She told Nat Geo:
“I wasn’t afraid at all. Once you see them up close, you gain an enormous respect for them. They’re beautiful, powerful, and intelligent, and it erases all the fear.”
Mrs. Brewer (or should we kneel and address her as “your honor”?) says she took the picture with a GoPro camera she picked up before her trip to South Africa. Although her photo is really beautiful, it has brought up the question of “baiting” (using bait to draw the shark towards the cage) and the danger it may pose to sharks aggressively lunging at the bait. As for Mrs. Brewer – she’s moved to the top of our “Coolest teacher ever” list.