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This new scientifically accurate 3D model of the SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) is the most detailed 3D model yet – and it’s a beauty!

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Visual Science has done it again creating the most detailed and scientifically accurate 3D model of the full coronavirus (officially named SARS-CoV-2) to date. Scientists created the model using the latest scientific research into the structure of the coronavirus.

SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus) 3D model

Ivan Konstantinov, CEO, and founder of Visual Science, said,

“The model reflects scientists’ current understanding of the virus’s architecture. It includes surface protein spikes that interact with the receptors on the surface of the human cell to get inside, lipid envelope with an integrated layer of matrix proteins, and a genome assembly, reconstructed based on the available scientific data”

You can check out an animated model of the coronavirus on their website.

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