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Geek Slop’s big list of chemical names, formulas, common names, and chemistry color codes for safe storage.

Chemicals in flasks (including Ammonium hydroxide and Nitric acid) lit in different colors

Below is a list of common chemical names, their chemical formula, common name, storage code, mass and density, as well as notes on where to find the chemical (other than a chemical supply house).  Use as a reference when conducting chemistry experiments, shopping for chemical supplies, and storing chemicals at home, or setting up your own chemistry lab.

If you find a missing chemical that you would like added, shoot Geek Slop an email and he’ll add it to the list.

Storage color codes

WhiteCorrosiveStore away from combustible and flammable chemicals.
YellowReactive/OxidizerMay react violently with water. Store separate from combustible and flammable chemicals.
RedFlammableStore only with other flammable materials.
BlueToxicStore in secure area.
GreenModerateStore in general chemical storage.
Gray or Orange (obsolete)ModerateStore in general chemical storage.
StripesIncompatibleIncompatible with other reagents of the same color code. Store separately.

Note: Shelf Life (Life) in RED indicates peroxide forming timeline, i.e. after X lifetime, this chemical may begin forming dangerous peroxides.

Chemical nameChemical formulaCommon namesMolar Mass (g/mol)DensityStorage codeLife (mo)Notes
AcetaldehydeC2H4O 59.0670-30% (18°C)Red Stripe  
AcetamideC2H5NO 60.0520-6% (15°C)Blue  
Acetic acidCH3COOH5% Solution: White vinegar96.0860-100% (20°C)Red White vinegar is 5% solution, Cleaning vinegar is 10% solution.  May also be found in photography supply store as “Indicator Stop Bath” at 89% solution.
AcetoneCH3COCH3Acetone17.0310-100% (20°C)Red Can be found as nail polish remover, fiberglass cleaner.  Industrial grade paint removers will contain more acetone still. Some stores sell pure acetone as well.
Acetylene gasC2H2Ethyne  Red Found at hardware stores or welding supply houses as “acetylene”.
Acetylsalicylic acidC9H8O4Aspirin180.16 Green  
Aluminum (powder)AlAluminum  Red Can be found at art supply stores or fiberglass supply shops as aluminum powder.
Aluminum ammonium sulfateAlNH4(SO4)2ammonium alum  Green Found at art supply house as mordant for dying and painting. May be found in organic food supply store by name.
Aluminum chlorideAICL3 62.0680-40% (15°C)Yellow  Known as sal ammoniac.  May be found in hardware store.
Aluminum hydroxideAl(OH)3alumina hydrate  Green Some Antacid Tablets may contain 100% (e.g. Alu-cap, Amphojel, Dialume)
Aluminum nitrateAI(NO3)3 368.343 Yellow  Nitrate of ammonia may be found in a garden supply store.
Aluminum oxideAl2O3alumina  Green Found at welding/industrial supply houses as “sandblasting sand”.
Aluminum potassium sulfateKAl(SO4)2Alum, potassium aluminum sulfate  Green Found as mordant for clothing dyes (e.g. RIT).
Aluminum sulfateAl2(SO4)3Flocculating Powder68.0070-26% (15°C)Green Found as swimming pool chemical by name.
AmmoniaNH3(aq); NH4OHAmmonia, Ammonium Hydroxide128.3550-30% (20°C)Green Household ammonia typically a 10% solution, drug store as “strong ammonia at 27%, or in a pure form from welding supply store.  Note: shake it, if bubble appear then it is impure and contains soap.
Ammonium bicarbonate(NH4)HCO3Salt of Hartshorn, Baker’s Ammonia  Green  
Ammonium bifluorideNH4HF2Ammonium hydrogen fluoride  White May be found at hardware store as toilet bowl cleaner or rust stain remover.
Ammonium bromideNH4Br  Green Found at photography store as “bleach bath” for photograph development.
Ammonium carbonate(NH4)2CO3Smelling Salts, Salt of Hartshorn, Baker’s Ammonia134.452 Green Found at drug store as smelling salts.
Ammonium chlorideNH4ClSoldering Flux30.0260-24% (20°C)Green Found at hardware store as “salt of ammon”.
Ammonium hydroxideNH4OH 100.4590-62% (20°C)White Stripe36 
Ammonium nitrateNH4NO3Ammonium Nitrate329.2440-50% (20°C)Yellow (separate) Found at garden supply as “nitrate of ammonia” or in pharmacy as single-use cold packs.
Ammonium persulfate(NH4)2S2O8Etching Solution, Ammonium Peroxodisulphate  yellow Found at electronics supply as “circuit board etching solution”
Ammonium phosphate(NH4)3PO4Fertilizer  Green Found at garden supply by name
Ammonium sulfate(NH4)2SO484.0070-50% (20°C)Green Found at garden supply as fertilizer or pH adjuster.
Amylose(C6H9O5)nCornstarch    Found at grocery store as corn starch.
Anthocyanin    Can be extracted from Red Cabbage by cutting, boiling, then filtering.
Argon gasAr    Found at welding supply store by name. It’s also the inert filler gas inside incandescent light bulbs but good luck sucking it out.
Ascorbic acidC6H8O6Vitamin C  Green Found as Vitamin C tablets.
Barium carbonateBaCO3  Green  
Barium chlorideBaCl2 180.1560-26% (20°C)Blue36 
Barium hydroxideBa(OH)2 94.11 Blue  
Barium nitrateBa(NO3)3 214.001 Yellow  
Barium sulfateBaSO4Lithopone  Green Often used  as a radio contrast agent for x-rays and CAT scans.
Benzoyl peroxideC14H10O4benzoic acid peroxide  Red Stripe Found at hardware store as 50% benzoyl peroxide under the brand name “Minwax High Performance Wood Filler”.
BismuthBiLead-free shot/sinkers  White (concentrated)  
Bismuth subsalicylateC7H5BiO4Pepto-Bismol    Active ingredient in Pepto-bismol and Kaopectate.
Boric acidH3BO3Ant/Roach Killer  Green Found at grocery store, drug store, hardware store by name.
Bromthymol blueC27H28Br2O5SpH Test  Green24Often used in aquarium pH test kits.
ButaneC4H10Butane  Red Found at camping stores as stove fuel.
CaffeineC8H10N4O2No-Doz  Green Found at grocery store but often blended with starch.
Cadmium sulfideCdSCadmium Yellow    Found at fine art supply house.
Calcium carbideCaC2  Red Stripe  
Calcium carbonateCaCO3Limestone, Carbonate of Lime  Green Found at builder’s supply as chalk, limestone and marble chips and in fine art stores as “marble dust” or “precipitated chalk”.
Calcium chlorideCaCl2Laundry Aid/Road Salt/De-Icer339.7870-40% (20°C)Green36Found at hardware store as road salt or in pool supply as a water hardening agent.
Calcium hydroxideCa(OH)2Slaked Lime, garden lime97.995 Green Found at garden store.  Can be made from lime or quicklime by adding water to create slaked lime. Can be made by dissolving calcium chloride with sodium hydroxide in water.
Calcium hypochloriteCa(ClO)2  Yellow  
Calcium nitrateCa(NO3)2Norwegian saltpeter80.1030-68% (18°C)Yellow Available from garden supply and agricultural supply stores as a fertilizer.
Calcium oxideCaOLime, Quicklime  Green Can be made by heating calcium carbonate at very high temperatures (> 740 °C).
Calcium phosphate, monobasicCa(H2PO4)2superphosphate  Green Found at garden supply stores.
Calcium sulfate anhydrousCaSO439.997 Green Found at art supply stores as Terra Alba. Can be made from commonly available plaster of paris by additional heating to above 180C.
Calcium sulfate dihydrateCaSO4Gypsum  Green Can be made from the reaction of Plaster of Paris with Water.
Calcium sulfate, hemihydrateCaSO4Plaster of Paris  Green Found at hardware stores, arts and craft stores, and hobby shops.
CamphorC10H16O  Red Found at Chinese grocery stores as a flavor additive.
CarbonCSoot, Graphite, Graphene, Carbon nanotubes, Fullerenes, Diamond, Charcoal  Red Found at pet supply store as activated charcoal for fish tanks. Found in art supply stores as Lamp Black pigment. Can be extracted from graphite leads used in pencils.  Pure or near-pure carbon can be produced through the reaction of Sucrose with Sulfuric Acid.  Could probably be extracted from your mother’s diamond necklace.
Carbon dioxideCO2  Various Found at party stores as dry ice.  Found at sporting good stores in gas form as propellant for air guns.
Carbon disulfideCS2 74.072    
Carbonic acidH2CO3  Blue Soda water is a dilute solution of carbonic acid. Can be made in varying strengths with home soda makers.
Carrageenan    Used in many commercial food preparations as a thickener and gelling agent.
Cellulose(C6H10O5)n  Green Can be extracted from undyed, processed cotton  or 100% cotton paper.
Chloroauric acidHAuCl4 76.141    
ChloroformCHCl3 74.122 BlueAir 
Chromium(III) chlorideCrCl3 144.01050-14% (18°C)Green  
Chromium(III) nitrateCr(NO3)3 128.034 Yellow  
Chromium(III) sulfateCr2(SO4)3 68.9950-40% (15°C)Green  
Chromium oxideCr2O3Chrome Green102.8940-60% (15°C)Blue Found at art supply houses as a powder (green pigment) or at hardware store as ‘Green Rouge’ for polishing metal.
Chromium(VI) oxideCrO3 102.8940-60%(15°C)   
Citric acidC6H8O7Sour Salt80.0430-55% (20°C)Green Found at photography supply stores and in grocery store as “sour salt”.
Cobalt(II) nitrateCo(NO3)2 85.104 Yellow  
Cobalt(II) sulfateCoSO4 84.995 Green  
CopperCu  Red (powder) Found at hardware stores as electrical wire, copper pipe, copper sheeting.  Pennies prior to 1982 are 95% copper (5% zinc).
Copper(I) chlorideCu2Cl2 284.0470-20% (20C)   
Copper(II) chlorideCuCL2 151.7480-20% (20°C)   
Copper naphthenateCu(C11H10O2)2cupric naphthenate    Found at hardware store as wood preservative (e.g. Wolman, Jasco) in up to 25% copper naphthenate solutions.
Copper(II) nitrateCo(NO3)2 79.1000-25% (20°C)   
Copper(II) sulfate (anhydrous)CuSO4cupric sulfate (anhydrous)128.5260-20% (18°C)  Found at garden supply store as a rootkiller.
Copper sulfate pentahydrateCuSO45H2Ocupric sulfate, blue vitriol, bluestone    Found at garden supply store as rootkiller (e.g. Zep Root Kill, Rooto Root Kill) and for pest control.
Cyanuric acidC3H3N3O3isocyanuric acid    Found at  swimming pool and lawn/yard supply stores as a chlorine stabilizer.
DextroseC6H12O6glucose, corn syrup  Green Found at grocery store as corn syrup. Dextrose is right-handed (dextrorotatory) glucose. Levulose is left-handed (levorotatory) glucose. Most products are a half-and-half mix.
Dichloroacetic acidC2H2Cl2O2 299.0250-30%(20°C)White  
DichloromethaneCH2Cl2methylene chloride  Blue Found at hardware store as a solvent, degreaser and adhesive remover up to around 74% purity.
Dimethyl sulfoxide(CH3)2SODMSO  Red Found at  health food and naturopathic supply stores for treating injuries. Warning: DMSO will allow anything it has dissolved to pass directly through your skin into your bloodstream.
Ethanol/ethyl alcoholC2H5OHEverclear  Red Found at liquor stores as 95% pure ethanol and 5% water. Found at hardware stores in denatured form.
Ether(C2H5)2Odiethyl ether, ethoxyethane  Red12Found at auto supply stores in aerosol cans as “Starter Fluid” or “Cold Start Spray”.
Ethylene glycolCH2OHCH2OH1,2-ethanediol125.8440-60% (20°C)Green Found at auto supply stores as antifreezes.
EugenolCH2CH2CH2C6H3(OCH3)OHoil of clove, 2-methoxy-4-(2-propenyl)phenol  Green Found at health food stores as a somewhat impure form of clove oil.
FormaldehydeCH2O2 171.3420-40%(15°C) 36 
Formic acidCH2O2methanoic acid171.3420-100% (20°C)Red Found at hardware stores as stain removers.  Can be extracted from the blue chamber of “Clorox Dual Action Toilet Bowl Cleanser” in 5% dilution.
FructoseC6H12O6Fruit Sugar296.6530-48% (20°C)Various Found at grocery stores.
GlucoseC6H12O6Dextrose, corn syrup74.0790-60% (20°C)Green Found at grocery stores as corn syrup.
Glycerin, glycerolC3H8O31,2,3-propanetriol32.0420-100% (20°C)Green Found at drug stores as a skin softener.
GoldAu  Green Found in dad’s gold coin collection (99% pure) or as gold dust or gold foil from art supply stores.  Note: Gold jewelry is typically not pure gold.
Gum ArabicCH4O3Sgum acacia  Green Found at art supply stores as a binder for turning pigments into paints.
HeliumHe  Red Found at party supply stores, often as a mixture of helium and normal air (balloon gas).
HexamineC6H12N4Hexamethylenetetramine    Sold at camping stores as solid fuel tables (typically in combination with 1,3,5-trioxane).
HydrazineN2H4 154.7560-60%(15°C)   
Hydrogen gasH2Hydrogen  Red Can be captured from electrolysis of water or by adding aluminum foil to a solution of Sodium Hydroxide (highly flammable and explosive).
Hydrobromic acidHB4 53.4910-65%(257deg;C)White  
Hydrochloric acidHClMasonry Cleaner, Muriatic acid92.0960-40% (20°C)White24Found at hardware store as masonry cleaner and in silverware cleaner typically in concentrations as high as 35%. Can be made by performing electrolysis on salt water with platinum anodes and cathodes, and combining the gases away from sunlight.
Hydrocyanic acidHCN 35.0460-16%(15C)   
Hydrofluoric acidHFGlass Etching Solution208.2330-50% (20°C)White Can be found at hardware store as aluminum brightener and tire cleaner, at art supply for etching glass, or at grocery store as a rust remover. Note: hydrofluoric acid must be stored in polyethylene or Teflon containers – it’ll eat through glass containers.
Hypochlorous acidHClOLaundry Bleach    Found at grocery store as bleach.
HydroquinoneC6H6O2  Green Found at photography stores.
Hydrogen peroxideH2O2Peroxide106.4410-100% (18°C)Yellow (concentrated) Found at drug store as hydrogen peroxide antiseptic (3%), Clairoxide hair bleach (12%).  May be found at health food stores as a source of “natural oxygen” in 35%. Warning: Do not heat unless your lifelong dream is to become a self-propelled rocket.
Hydroiodic acidHI 119.378 White  
Iodic acidHIO3 409.818 Green  
IodineI2Iodide  White18Found at drug stores as solution of iodine and ethyl alcohol used for treating wounds.  Available at camping stores as water sterilization chemical. Iodine is illicitly used in the production of methamphetamine, making iodine somewhat difficult to obtain.
Iron (powder)Fe  Red Stripe Found at hardware stores as steel wool, iron nails, iron bolts, nuts, and screws.
Iron(II) ammonium sulfateFeSO4+(NH4)2SO4 189.616    
(Iron(III) Chloride (Ferric chloride)FeCl3Etching Solution32.0450-50% (20°C)Green Found at electronics stores as an etching solution for circuit boards.
Iron(III) Oxide (Ferric oxide)Fe2O3Rust  Green Found at art supply stores in purified form as the artists pigment “Red Iron Oxide”.  It’s nothing more than rust – it’s everywhere!
Iron(II III)Oxide (Ferrous ferric oxide)Fe3O4Magnetite  Green Found at art supply stores as the artists pigment “Mars Black”.
Iron(II) sulfateFeSO4Ferrous sulfate, Sulfate of iron, Copperas    Found at garden supply stores as a nutrient or at textile supply stores  as a mordant for pigments.
Iron(III) sulfateFe2(SO4)3 210.900-20% (17.5°C)   
KeroseneCnH2n+1 (n=12–16)Aviation Fuel  Red Found at hardware stores as lamp oil or kerosene.
Lactic acidC3H6O3Milk Acid394.9950-80% (20°C)White Stripe Found at grocery stores and health food stores.
LactoseC12H22O11 74.5510-18%(20°C)Green  
LatexC3H6O3Liquid Latex Body Paint    Found at hobby shops, magic stores, and oddly, at adult stores (don’t ask).
LeadPb  Blue May be found at sporting good stores as lead shot or lead sinkers (may be alloyed with tin).
Lead(II) acetatePb(C2H3O2)2 133.341 Blue  
Lead(II) chloridePbCl2 127.912 Blue  
Lead(II) nitratePb(NO3)2 60.095 Yellow  
Lead(IV) acetatePb(C2H3O2)4 212.996 Blue  
Linseed oil  Red May be found at hardware or art supply stores as paint binder or finish for wood. Note: “boiled linseed oil” contains Lead Oxide.
LithiumLi  Blue Can be extracted from Lithium batteries.
Lithium chlorideLiCl 80.9120-30%(20°C)   
Magnesium (chips)MgFire starter  Red Found at camping stores as a fire starter.
Magnesium carbonateMgCO3Athlete’s chalk  Green Found at sporting good stores as as a powder for gymnastics, weightlifting, and climbing to help keep hands dry (may be combined with calcium carbonate). May be found at drug store as antacid (some are pure magnesium carbonate).
Magnesium chlorideMgCl2Nigari or Lushui36.4610-30% (20°C)Green  
Magnesium hydroxideMg(OH)2Milk of Magnesia  Green Found at drug store as Milk of Magnesia
Magnesium nitrateMg(NO3)2 128.260 Yellow  
Magnesium silicateMg3Si4O10(OH)2Talc    Found at drug store as Talcum powder.
Magnesium sulfateMgSO4Epsom Salt142.0420-26% (20°C)Green36Found at drug store as epsom salt or at photography store  as a chemical for photographic development.
Maleic acidC4H4O4 74.1220-40%(25°C)Green  
Malonic acidC3H4O4 88.1050-40%(20°C)Green  
MaltoseC12H22O11 194.1200-60%(20°C)Green  
Manganese dioxideMnO2Pyrolusite  Green Found at hardware store black powder.
Manganese(II) chlorideMnCl2 27.025 Green  
Manganese(II) sulfateMnSO4 78.0450-30%(20°C)Green  
MannitolC6H14O6 65.740-15%(20°C)Red  
MercuryHgquicksilver  Blue Hazardous and difficult to find. May be found at hobby stores as quicksilver. Can be extracted from old mercury thermostats.
Mercury(II) chlorideHgCl2 20.006    
Mercury(II) nitrateHg(NO3)2 226.268    
Mercury(II) sulfateHgSO4 126.043    
MethaneCH4Natural Gas  Red May be extracted from cow farts if you have a long stick, a tight-wound clothespin, and the stomach for it.
MethanolCH3OHMethyl Alcohol294.1850-100% (15°C)Red Found at paint supply stores as a solvent under the names “wood alcohol” or “methyl alcohol” or at auto supply stores as a gasoline line anti-freeze.
Methyl acetateC3H6)2 28.0790-20%(20°C)Red  
Methyl ethyl ketoneCH3COC2H5MEK  Red Found at hardware stores.
Methyl ethyl ketone peroxideC8H16O4MEKP  Red Found at hardware and boating supply stores in a dilute solution as a catalyst for the polymerization of polyester resins.
Methyl isobutyl ketoneCH3COCH2CH(CH3)2MIBK  Red Found at hardware stores.
Methylene blueC16H18ClN3SMethidote  Green Found at pet stores as a medicine to treat small injured fish.
Methylene chlorideCH2Cl2dichloromethane  Blue Found at up to 74% solutions in hardware, auto supply, and some craft stores as a solvent, degreaser and adhesive remover (e.g. Champion Paint Off, Klean Strip Graffiti Remover).
Methyl salicylateC6H4(OH)COOCH3Oil of Wintergreen  Green Found at drug stores.
Mineral oilcomplex mixture of hydrocarbons  Green Found at drug stores as an emollient or in some baby oils (likely contains fragrances).
Monosodium glutamateC5H8NO4Na“MSG”    Found at Chinese or Japanese grocery stores as a condiment or at grocery stores as a “flavor enhancer”.
NaphthaleneC10H8moth balls  Red Found at hardware and grocery stores.
NickelNi  Blue Found at welding supply stores as a welding filler material or in pre-1985 Canadian nickels.
Nickel chlorideNiCl2 34.0150-30%(18°C)Blue  
Nickel nitrateNi(NO3)2 97.1810-35%(20°C)Yellow  
Nickel sulfateNiSO4 194.0500-18%(18°C)Blue  
NicotineC10H14N2 136.0860-60%(20°C)Blue  
Nitric acidHNO3 236.4210-100%(20°C)Yellow  
NitrogenN2liquid nitrogen  Red Found at hospital, laboratory, university, welding supply house, and industrial gas suppliers.
Nitrous oxideN2Owhipping gas, laughing gas  Red Found at grocery store whipped cream canisters or restaurant supply houses.
Oxalic acidC2H2O4rust remover, non-chlorine bleach powder cleanser208.4740-10% (17.5°C)White Found at hardware stores as radiator cleaner, “wood bleach powder”, rust remover, and as “Prestone Heavy Duty Cooling System Cleaner” (98%).
OxygenO2  Red Found at welding shops and some hardware stores in portable welding oxygen tanks. Can be generated in small quantities from the electrolysis of water.
Para-dichlorobenzeneC6H4Cl2moth flakes, moth crystals    Found at hardware and grocery stores.
ParaffinCnH2n+2 (n>19)  Green Found at grocery stores as a sealant for home canning and at art supply stores as “wax” for candles.
Perchloric acidHCIO4 110.984 0-28%(15°C)  
PhenolC6H5OH151.0010-5% (15°C)Red Stripe  
PhenolphthaleinC20H14O4  Green36Found at magic shops as a pinkish disappearing ink. Get I before it’s gone!
PhenolC6H6O 151.0010-5%(15°/C)Red  
Phenol redC19H19SO5phenolsulfonephthalein  Red24Found at swimming pool supply stores as a pH tester.
Phosphoric acidH3PO4pH Down261.3370-100% (20°C)White Found at pets stores as pH reducers in dilute solutions (30%). Found at hardware stores as rust remover or “Naval Jelly”. Found at hobby stores as solder flux.
Polystyrenecasting resin    Found at hobby shops.
Polyurethane foamMountains in Minutes    Found at hobby shops, hardware, or stores.
Potassium aluminum sulfateKAl(SO4)2Alum, aluminum potassium sulfate    Found at natural health stores as a “deodorant stone”.
Potassium bicarbonateKHCO3 3105.1800-24%(15°C)Green  
Potassium bitartrateKHC4H4O6Cream of Tartar  Green Found at grocery stores as Cream of Tartar.
Potassium bromateKBrO3 99.994 yellow  
Potassium bromideKBr1105.920-40% (20°C)Green Found at photography stores.
Potassium carbonateK2CO3Potash187.5560-50% (20°C)Green Found at some  garden supply and agricultural stores.
Potassium chlorateKCIO3 336.2060-4%(20°C)Yellow  
Potassium chlorideKClSalt substitute175.9110-24% (20°C)Green Found at grocery stores as a salt substitute and as a road de-icer.
Potassium chromateK2Cr04 342.2960-30%(18°C)Blue36 
Potassium cyanideKCN 128.942 Blue  
Potassium chromium sulfateKCr(SO4)2potassium chrome alum    Found at photography stores.
Potassium dichromateK2Cr2O7331.2100-10% (20°C)Yellow Found at photography stores.
Potassium iron (ii) hexacyanoferrate(iii)KFe[Fe(CN)6]potassium iron ferricyanide, potassium ferroferricyanide    Found at grocery stores as Mrs. Stewart’s liquid (to whiten clothes).
Potassium hydrogen phosphateK2HPO4 63.0130-8%(20°C)   
Potassium hydroxideKOHCaustic potash100.1150-50% (15°C)Red (concentrated) Difficult to find. May be the active ingredient in some drain cleaning solutions.May be found at veterinary supply houses for dissolving hair and horns in animals.
Potassium iodateKIO3 119.002 Yellow  
Potassium iodideKIRadiation Pills138.2060-55% (20°C)Green24Found at outdoor stores as a pill form to avoid the uptake of radioactive iodine during a nuclear accident.
Potassium metabisulfiteK2S3O5Campden tablets    May be found at stores that cater to winemaking and brewing processes.
Potassium nitrateKNO3Saltpeter, saltpetre60.0950-24% (20°C)Yellow Found at grocery store as saltpeter or quick salt (to cure corned beef). Found at gardening stores as fertilizer, tree stump remover, and root killer.
Potassium nitriteKNO2 311.799 Yellow  
Potassium permanganateKMnO4Clearwater105.9880-6% (20°C)Yellow May be found at aquarium stores in 50% solution called Clearwater or in hardware stores in 98% solution for treatment of hard well water (acts as a softener).
Potassium sulfateK2SO4 128.1080-10%(20°C)Green  
Potassium sulfideK2S 110.262 Red May ignite on contact with air.
Potassium sulfiteK2SO3 82.0790-26%(15°C)   
Potassium sodium tartrateNaKC4H4O6Rochelle salt  Green Found at drug stores.
PropaneC3H8  Red Found at picnic supply stores as barbeque fuel.
Propanol (propan-2-ol)CH3CHOHCH3rubbing alcohol228.0650-100% (20°C)Red Found at drug stores as rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) in a fairly concentrate form.
Silicon carbideSiCCarborundum    Found at industrial supply houses as a hard, abrasive powder for use in sandblasting.
Silicon dioxideSiO2Sand, silica    Found at building supply and aquarium stores as quartz sand. Found at hobby shops as mold making material or filler for rubbers and plastics under the name Min-u-Sil brand.  Found in silica desiccant packets found in many sealed food envelopes, electronics boxes, and other packaging.
Silver (dust)Ag  Blue Found at gold and silver coin shops as silver coins (74%) and bullion, often at bullion value.
Silver nitrateAgNO3 120.1760-40%(20°C)Yellow24 
Silver sulfateAg2SO4 141.959 Green  
Sodium acetateNaC2H3O2Hand Warmer342.1510-28% (20°C)Green Found at sporting goods stores in hand-warmers. Can also be made through the reaction of baking soda and vinegar.
Sodium borateNa2B4O7  Green Found at grocery stores in diluted solution of Borax. Can be made pure by heating to 200C (note: it will begin absorbing moisture when cooled if left in open).
Sodium bicarbonateNaHCO3Baking Soda, Bicarbonate of Soda  Green24Found at grocery store as “single action baking soda”. Note: there’s a difference in baking soda and baking powder.  Baking powder has other ingredients.  Also, Double action baking powder contains corn starch.
Sodium bisulfateNaHSO4pH Down  Green Found at pool supply store as Crystal Vanish drain cleaner.
Sodium bromideNaBrHot Tub Salt  Green Found at pool supply stores.
Sodium carbonateNa2CO3Washing soda, soda ash90.6090-14% (20°C)Green Found at grocery store as washing soda and at pool supply stores as PH Up and PH Plus (used to raise pH).  Can be made by backing Sodium Bicarbonate (backing soda) at 350 degrees.
Sodium chlorateNaClO346.0680-34% (18°C)Yellow Found at gardening and agricultural stores as a herbicide (e.g. Atlacide, Defol, Drop-Leaf, and Tumbleaf).  Check label for potential impurities.
Sodium chlorideNaClSalt162.2040-26% (20°C)Green24Found at grocery store as table salt possibly with magnesium carbonate (as a anti-caking agent) and sodium iodide impurities.  Uniodized salt will generally be more pure.
Sodium chromateNa2Cr)4 325.2880-26%(18°C)   
Sodium fluorideNaF  Blue Difficult to obtain in pure form. May be found at dental supply stores.
Sodium hexametaphosphate(NaPO3)6Sodium polymetaphosphate, Calgon water softener  Green Found at grocery store as primary ingredient of Calgon water softener. Found under other names including: glassy sodium, Graham’s Salt, and hexasodium salt.
Sodium hydroxideNaOHLye, Caustic Soda167.0000-50% (20°C)White Stripe Found at grocery and hardware stores as caustic soda and lye.
Sodium hypochloriteNaClOBleach  Green Found at grocery store in diluted form as household bleach (5% sodium hypochlorite).
Sodium nitrateNaNO3Chile saltpeter110.1110-45% (20°C)Yellow Found at garden supply stores.
Sodium nitriteNaNO2 82.0340-20%(15°C)Yellow  
Sodium metabisulfiteNa2S2O5Campden tablets  Green Found at winemaking or brewing stores as a sterilizing agent in the brewing processes. Check label for impurities.
Sodium percarbonate2Na2CO3sodium carbonate peroxyhydrate    May be found at hardware stores as wood bleach (for decks and outdoor wood furniture). May be labeled “oxygenated bleach”.
Sodium phosphateNa3PO4Tri Sodium Phosphate324.6000-8% (20°C)Green Found at hardware stores as Tri-sodium phosphate, commonly known as TSP (used to clean walls prior to painting).
Disodium phosphateNa2HPO4pH Down  Green Found at pet stores and used to lower the pH of aquarium water.
Sodium silicateNa2SiO3, Na2Si3O7water glass, egg preserver, magic rocks  Green May be found at hardware stores, drug and ceramic stpres as a flocculent in clay slip casting.
Sodium sulfateNa2SO4211.6300-24% (20°C)Green May be found at photography stores.
Sodium sulfideNa2S 76.1210-18%(18°C)Red Stripe  
Sodium sulfiteNa2SO3150.0870-18% (19°C)Green May be found at photography stores.
Sodium tetraborate decahydrateNa2B4O710H2OBorax  Green May be found at drug store as Borax (e.g. Twenty-Mule-Team Borax Laundry Booster).
Sodium thiosulfateNa2S2O3Hypo89.0930-40% (20°C)Green18Found at photography stores and pet shops as a de-chlorination additive to fish water.
Stearic acidC17H35CO2Hcandle hardener  Green May be found in arts and crafts stores.
Strontium chlorideSrCl2 74.1220-36%(20°C)Green  
Strontium nitrateSr(NO3)2 342.296 Yellow  
Strontium sulfateSrSO4 183.683    
SteelFe alloyed with C and depending on type, possibly also Ni, B, V, Cr among othersGalvanised wire, nail (fasteners), stainless steel, ball bearings, steel wool    Pure steel is difficult to find and carbon content will vary widely.  Many impurities including nickel, silicon, boron, zinc, etc. May have to make do with galvanized or stainless steel materials such as nails, screws, tools, steel wool, bearings, steel wire, etc.
SucroseC12H22O11Sugar  Green Found at grocer store as table sugar.
Sulfur (sulphur)S  Green May be found at garden stores as “flowers of sulfur” (to treat plant diseases) or as “Organic Garden sulfur”. May be found at drug stores.
Sulfuric acidH2SO4vitriol, oil of vitriol74.0930-100% (20°C)White24Found at hardware stores as battery acid, at plumbing supply stores as a buffered solution (e.g. “Pro Liquid Drain Cleaner”) or at a pet supply store as a diluted solution used to lower pH in aquariums.
Sulfurous acidH2SO3 128.088    
Tannic acidC76H52O46tannin  Blue Found in arts and crafts stores in dyes and fabric section.
Tartaric acidC4H6O6wine preservative136.1410-56% (15°C)Green May be found at wine-making supply stores.
TetrachloroethyleneC2Cl4tetrachloroethene  Blue May be found at hardware, auto supply, and home improvement stores in aerosol form under brands such as “Lectra Motive Auto Care” and “Gummout Professional Brake Parts Cleaner” (99% pure).
ThymolphthaleinC28H30O4disappearing ink  Green Found at magic supply stores as blue disappearing ink. Get it before it’s gone!
Tin(II) chlorideSnCl2 241.8600-65%(15°C)   
Tin(IV) chlorideSnCl4 399.8780-28%(15°C)   
Titanium dioxideTiO2Titanium White    Found at art supply stores as a fine powder for use as a pure white pigment.
1,1,1 trichloroethaneCCl3CH3cleaning fluid, degreaser  Green Found at hardware stores.
1,1,1,2 tetrafluoroethaneCF3CH2F  Green  
ThioureaCS(NH2)2Thiocarbamide  Blue Found in hardware stores as silver cleaning products such as Hagerty and Tarn-X. Check label for potential inactive ingredients (impurities).
TolueneC6H5CH3Methylbenzene, cellulose thinner  Red Found at hardware stores as a solvent.
Town gasA mixture mainly consists of hydrogen, carbon monoxide and methaneNil.    Found in urban area. Carbon monoxide can be removed from the mixture by passing the gas through large quantity of citrated chicken blood while chanting voodoo prayers.
TrichloroethyleneCHClCCl2trichloroethene  Blue Found at hardware and auto supply stores as a near pure aerosol under brand names such “Lectra Clean” and “Trouble Free Rust Buster”.
TungstenW  Green Found at welding supply stores as TIG electrodes. Also found in most incandescent light bulbs (the filament is made of tungsten).
Turpentine  Red Found at hardware stores and fine art supply stores.
UreaH2NCONH2ice melter, fertilizer, carbamide189.3740-46% (20°C)Green May be found at  hardware stores and at garden supply stores as “Bonide Azalea” fertilizer (99% urea).
WaterH2O  Green Found at grocery stores as distilled (pure) water. This and “deionized” water are sufficient for most chemical reactions.
XyleneC8H10dimethylbenzene  Red Found at hardware stores, paint stores, and fine art supply stores.
Zinc (powder)Znzinc  Red Stripe  
Zinc bromideZnBr2 154.9960-65%(20°C)   
Zinc chlorideZnClfTinner’s Fluid, “killed acid”74.0780-28% (20°C)White Found at hardware stores for cleaning copper. Can be created by dissolving a small amount of zinc in hydrochloric acid.
Zinc nitrateZn(NO3)2 165.8730-50% (18°C)White  
Zinc oxideZnOpompholyx  Green Found at fine arts stores as “Chinese White” fine arts pigment.
Zinc sulfateZnSO4zinc sulfate98.0780-16% (20°C)Green Found at hardware and garden stores as “Moss Killer” for use on roofs and concrete.

Safety warning

Remember, carefully label your chemicals and store according to color code!  The Hazard Diamond (see below) can also be used to easily identify chemical properties on stored chemicals.

Hazard diamond chart

Image Credits

In-Article Image Credits

Chemicals in flasks (including Ammonium hydroxide and Nitric acid) lit in different colors via Wikimedia Commons by Joe Sullivan with usage type - Creative Commons License. February 6, 2006

Featured Image Credit

Chemicals in flasks (including Ammonium hydroxide and Nitric acid) lit in different colors via Wikimedia Commons by Joe Sullivan with usage type - Creative Commons License. February 6, 2006


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