It’s true. Mosquitoes prefer biting some people over others and now scientists know why. As it turns out, about 20% of people are especially yummy to mosquitoes. Here’s why.
Uh oh, this can’t be good. Two different sets of scientists released some pretty amazing news on Sunday. Seems that transfusing the blood of a young mouse into an old mouse can improve the old mouse’s mental and physical capabilities. In other words, the scientists reversed aging in the muscles and brains of old mice…
Russian scientists announced this week that they have found the body of a well-preserved fully-grown female mammoth trapped in the ice in Siberia. The creature has extremely well-preserved muscle tissue (colored a natural, fresh meat color) and shockingly, well-preserved, flowing blood. The pools of blood were found in cavities underneath the belly of the beast.…
Every animal with bones on planet Earth utilizes oxygen that is delivered in its blood via hemoglobin, which binds to the oxygen molecules to make the blood appear red. Every animal that is, except for a newly discovered species, the ocellated icefish (Chionodraco rastrospinosus). The ocellated icefish’s blood has no hemoglobin and hence, its blood…