How to identify mule deer tracks and signs.

Mule deer

Mule deer are indigenous to western North America and are named for their large ears. Unlike the related White-tailed deer, mule deer are generally more association with land west of the Missouri River, more specifically with the Rocky Mountain region of North America. The most noticeable difference between mule deer and white tailed deer is…

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How to identify white-tailed deer tracks and signs.

White-tailed deer

White-tailed deer are native to the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central America, and South America. White-tail deer have also been introduced to New Zealand, Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, Bermuda, Bahamas, Lesser Antilles, and some countries in Europe, such as Finland, the Czech Republic, and Serbia. In North America, they are widely distributed east of…

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A deer no bigger than a hamster? Meet the tiny Java mouse-deer!

Java mouse deer with terrifying fangs

A rare mini-Bambi born in a Spanish zoo in 2014 has put the tiny Java mouse-deer on the front page and in everyone’s mind! Seldom seen in zoos, the miniature Java mouse-deer starts off the size of a hamster, weighing less than ¼ lb. When full grown, the tiny-hoofed critter will be no bigger than…

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