Walgreens stores have long been the home for exclusive Marvel Minimates. Now, two new adversarial two-packs have hit the shelves, comprising Series 12 of the long-running Diamond Select Toys series!
Disneyland surveillance footage has captured something more than the usual happy visitors frolicking through the park. As the footage suggests, a mysterious ghostly entity walks around the park at night, crossing grass, sidewalks, and passing unhindered through closed gates. In one instance, the ghostly figure can even be seen walking across a park lake’s water.
This video surfaced around 2011 and sparked much discussion. Years later, the consensus is still out – hoax or real? In the video, which was captured via a security cam on the streets of Japan, you will see a woman walking down the sidewalk (top-right side of frame). As she approaches a man standing stationary…
It quickly became a viral sensation as the world watched a grieving boyfriend pushed to the edge of mental breakdown after being tortured by eerie Facebook messages from his dead girlfriend. Whether a hoax, made-up story, purposeful manipulation, or real spirit unable to find a means to move on – it’s so creepy, you’ll probably…
Guildford, located in the United Kingdom, is considered to be one of the most haunted places on earth. Visit the town center any night of the week and you’ll find several “ghost tours” where locals will take you on a walk about the city while pointing out the many haunted locations scattered throughout the town.…