You know that asteroid that struck the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico and supposedly killed all the dinosaurs? Well it turns out it hit earth at just the right angle for maximum damage.

gg 60212W Crater

A new research paper published in Nature journal suggests the asteroid that formed the 66 Ma Chicxulub crater struck earth at just the right angle to create maximum damage. The asteroid’s trajectory was determined by studying “asymmetries int he subsurface structure of the Chicxulub crater” and 3D simulations. According to researchers, the impact direction and…

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Bizarre “inverted-tornado” cloud over Mexico.

bizarre inverted tornado cloud appears in mexican sky 550x424

Residents of Michoacán, Mexico, were treated to a baffling meteorological anomaly around 6:00 PM on Friday January 20, 2017. Thousands of citizens witnessed the bizarre cloud which looked like an inverted tornado with an inexplicable light beaming inside. It was estimated to be several miles high and at one point, several miles long.

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How to identify Black Bear tracks and signs.

American Black Bear signs and tracks

Black bears are highly dexterous, being capable of opening screw-top jars and manipulating door latches. They are very strong with recorded cases of a black bear turning over 300 pound rocks with a single foreleg. They can run up to 25-30 mph, have excellent eyesight, and a sense of smell about seven times greater than…

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UFO appears to fly directly into Mexico’s active Popocatepetl volcano (VIDEO)

There’s an interesting video making the rounds today. I see a couple of potential explanations (reversed video, a commercial airlines flying behind the volcano, etc.) but nothing definitive meaning, yeah, it’s a pretty interesting UFO shot. The video was shot on May 30, 2013 at around 8:30 PM local time at Mexico’s Popocatepetl volcano located…

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