Engineers at the University of Waterloo have developed a tiny, untethered robot that could potentially revolutionize surgery. The robot takes inspiration from the gripping ability of geckos and the efficient locomotion of inchworms.
Atlas is a humanoid robot made by Boston Dynamics (the makers of the ever-popular BigDog military robot). Atlas can walk on two legs and use its “arms” to lift, carry, and climb (and maybe one day, fight back against robot bullies). Atlas is even sophisticated enough to adjust and navigate through tight, cluttered places.
Regular visitors to Geek Slop’s Mad Scientist Lab know Geek Slop loves robots. In fact, he’s pretty much fanatical about Boston Robotics’ four-legged dog robots (fanatical enough that some of us are beginning to worry). Check out the public service announcement call-to-action to stop the abuse of robot dogs.
Wow, I never knew… Educational, emotional, and funny at the same time.
When a legendary technology expert speaks out, maybe we should listen more carefully. Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX, co-founder of PayPal, and chief product architect of Tesla Motors, continues to warn the masses that artificial intelligence holds a dark potential – the malicious capability of AI to overthrow mankind.
When the robot invasion starts (when robots take over the world and enslave the human race), proper robot self-defense is going to be difficult – especially now that we find out we can’t throw rocks, furniture, or small children at them while we flee. You see, this amazing robot can catch anything you throw at…