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Join the movement – stop the abuse of robot dogs!

stop the abuse of robot dogs

Regular visitors to Geek Slop’s Mad Scientist Lab know Geek Slop loves robots. In fact, he’s pretty much fanatical about Boston Robotics’ four-legged dog robots (fanatical enough that some of us are beginning to worry). Check out the amazing video below which features a public service announcement call-to-action to stop the abuse of robot dogs.  Join the movement! #stoprobotdogabuse

Weighing in at 160 pounds, these wonderful robot dogs are able to run, climb stairs, jog next to their owner, and even recover their balance after being kicked! The robotic dog uses cameras and sensors to help it navigate over rough, uneven terrain. It can recognize humans and other robotic dogs and we think, but are not totally sure, that it can even pee on trees.

The robotic dogs are being tested by the U.S. Marines in order to develop and put into place a “Legged Squad Support System”. That means these big dogs will help U.S. soldiers carry around their gear (they can carry up to 400 lbs. of stuff), guard the camps, and chase off bad guys (at least the ones that are dumb enough to stick around after seeing one of these beasts). Each dog costs about $2 million dollars to make so don’t plan on having one in your backyard any time soon [cue loud groan from kids].

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