A new documentary on UFOs, extraterrestrials, and advanced clean energy, titled Sirius, and featuring the work of Dr. Steven Greer, is set to be released in the coming weeks. The film was directed by Emmy Award winning Amardeep Kaleka and will be narrated by actor Thomas Jane, of HBO’s Hung series. The film features the…
Tag: steven m. greer
Here we go again… Woman says alien baby corpse (Aleshenka) found in Russia in 1996 disappeared after being taken by scientists for “research”.
Foremost authority on skeletal abnormalities confirms tiny “alien” skeleton is not human (but didn’t say it wasn’t a plastic doll either).
Dr. Steven M. Greer is an American osteopath, ufologist, and founder of the Orion Project and The Disclosure Project. His extravagant, boastful claims, and braggart persona, tend to not be very well received in the UFO community. But has Dr. Greer finally discovered the alien proof he has sought so hard to find? Several years…