Popular outdoor clothing manufacturer Columbia knocks it out of the park with new information hang tags, cut from stainless steel, that double as survival tools. The steel tags are templated 4” tags with components that can be snapped out to form tools such as a sun dial, handsaw, water purifier, sextant, fishing kit, and emergency…
Tag: survival kit
Make your own compact, portable survival/bugout bag – as small as a fanny pack!
When creating bugout bags, a collection of supplies required to survive an unexpected event, most survivalists use a backpack to hold the survival supplies. Their large size however, can be a constraint. That doesn’t have to be the case however. With a bit of compromise, you can create a bugout bag the size of a…
Survival Planning – an introduction to surviving in the wild
A survival plan is critical to your ability to survive. There are three components to a survival plan – planning, preparation, and practice. Planning is nothing more than understanding that a situation could arise that would require survival techniques in order to live and with that in mind, taking the necessary steps to increase your…
Preparing an emergency survival kit – supplies needed for the ultimate bugout bag.
The environment you will operate in is key to the types of items you will need in your survival kit and how much equipment you put in it depends on how long you will be required to survive using the items in your bugout bag. Make sure you keep important life-saving items on your person…