We’ve seen several instances before which hint at ancient civilizations possessing knowledge or access to advance technologies beyond their means – technical knowledge and devices that would not have been invented for tens of thousands of years. Another interesting case popped up this week related to an ancient Greek funerary relief sculpture dated to about…
Tag: Technology
Leading technology entrepreneur/visionary warns Artificial Intelligence (AI) akin to summoning the devil
When a legendary technology expert speaks out, maybe we should listen more carefully. Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX, co-founder of PayPal, and chief product architect of Tesla Motors, continues to warn the masses that artificial intelligence holds a dark potential – the malicious capability of AI to overthrow mankind.
Robotics, Robots, and how they’ll take over the world
WTF? Huge car-vending machine in China – customer inserts coins and out pops a car
Can’t say we blame them. With some of the worst pollution and only 10% of the population owning cars, a vending machine that dispenses cheap electric rental cars seems like a no-brainer to us. Wait a minute – a *vending machine* that dispense cars?!?! In Hangzhou, China, citizens walk up to the multi-story Kandi Car…
The Mark of the Beast – enigmatic number “666” accompanies endtimes apocalypse
Funny real life tech support calls – a collection of hilarious technical support calls.
Funny 404 (Page not Found) Errors
When you visit a web site and attempt to access a web page that does not exist, the web site will issue a “404 error” indicating that the page could not be found. In most cases these 404 errors are cut and dry, standard, technical explanations. But some webmasters get a bit creative and spice…