Cool storm cloud in Sydney looks like some kind of alien invasion.

Freak storm hits Sydney, Australia

If you thought the wall of snow that blanketed Buffalo a few weeks back was eerie, take a look at the storm that hit Sydney, Australia over the weekend. Looking like some sort of freaky alien invasion, Mother Nature shows us once again that she can be just as terrifying as any scary ghost story.

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Toxic Red Tide threatens Florida beaches and marine life.

Tons of fish killed by toxic red tide off African coast in 2014

The Weather Channel is reporting that a massive toxic red tide is killing marine life off the coast of Florida. According to the Weather Channel, the large blooms of red algae are located about five miles off St. Petersburg and measure an astonishing 60 miles wide by 100 miles long.

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Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is shrinking faster than ever before

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In any other circumstance, a huge, red, festering blemish would be a bad thing but not for the planet Jupiter. Jupiter’s Great Red Spot has been a defining characteristic since man began looking at the stars through bamboo shoots. But that may be about to change. NASA says that Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is shrinking…

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Picture of massive supercell thunderstorm cloud captured by storm chaser group

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Storm chasers group, Basehunters, captured this beautiful shot of a massive supercell cloud near Clareton, Wyoming on May 18, 2014. The picture features a massive rotating updraft of a supercell thunderstorm. Supercells are the largest, strongest and longest-lasting thunderstorms and usually feature a rotating updraft as seen in the picture above.

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It rained fish in Sri Lanka (again)

Sri Lanka villagers pick up fish that rained from the sky

Villagers scooped up buckets full of the valuable commodity after it rained fish in west Sri Lanka on May 6, 2014. Villagers in the district of Chilaw said they heard something heaving falling on the roofs of their homes and businesses and were surprised when they rain outside to find fish falling from the sky.…

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