In 1883, the first official report of the Marfa Lights came out. A Texas homesteader, Robert Ellison, noticed the lights and feared that Indians were attacking his home. After viewing the lights for some time however, it became clear to Mr. Ellison that these mysterious lights were not attacking Indians. These lights danced and flew…
Tag: weather
Icy Bombs
On September 2, 1958 in Madison Township, New Jersey, Dominick Bacigalup survived an experience that to this date has confounded scientists. While sitting at his kitchen table, Dominick was bewildered when the roof and attic of his kitchen exploded with a deafening roar. After Dominick regained his senses, he was puzzle to find that a…
Green Sun (or Green Flash) – the inferior-mirage or mock-mirage phenomenon.
Noah and The Great Flood – civilizations throughout history have told of a great flood that destroyed mankind
The biblical story of Noah’s flood is world renowned. A deluge of rain that covered the earth with water and purged all evil from mankind. The survivors of the great flood went on to repopulate the planet and hence, were the originators of mankind. What most people do not know however, is that the historical…
Monster storm rages on Saturn inside strange hexagon-shaped cloud system [PICTURES]
On November 27, 2012, NASA’s Cassini spacecraft captured this amazing image of a monster storm raging at Saturn’s north pole. Viewed from 361,000 kilometers away, the storm’s sinister eye looks quite similar to Earth-based hurricanes leading scientists to surmise that the ringed planet’s storms form in much the same way, with warm, moist air rising…
Hurricane Sandy – Pictures, video, and other news blips regarding the infamous Frankenstorm event
Researchers prove extreme lethal heat caused Permian-Triassic mass extinction 250 million years ago
The Permian-Triassic mass extinction occurred 252 million years ago. It is Earth’s most devastating mass extinction event with up to 96% of all marine species and 70% of land animals becoming extinct. Researchers now believe they know what caused it and why life took over 5 million years to recover – extreme, lethal temperatures up…
Researchers propose new theory of how ball lightning is created and why it occurs where it does
Small, grapefruit-sized balls of intensely glowing light, hovering or moving silently through the air, ball lightning lasts from a few seconds to a few minutes. They are extremely rare, less than 5% of the population have seen the phenomenon – occasionally reported, but never photographed. Now researchers from Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization…
NASA finds evidence that it snows dry ice on Mars
How to Survive Extreme Weather – how to survive any natural disaster.
Extreme Weather Conditions Whether global warming or a natural cycle of atmospheric change, the worldwide weather patterns have worsened substantially. Global average surface temperature has increased steadily since 1970. Precipitation patterns have changed around the world and after 2,000 years of little change, sea levels have risen by 8 inches with levels rising at a rate…