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Corps of Engineers confirms that sensitive National Inventory of Dams (NID) database was hacked by Chinese

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Hoover Dam

The Army Corps of Engineers has admitted that an unauthorized Chinese user has hacked the National Inventory of Dams (NID) database in January 2013 and that the attack was not discovered until sometime in April.  There are about 8,100 major dams in the U.S., and the NID database has information about all of them, including potential flaws in the dam construction, safety concerns, and the number of casualties expected if a dam were to fail.

Pete Pierce, a spokesperson from the Corps of Engineers, played off the attack in a statement to BBC.

“The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is aware that access to the National Inventory of Dams (NID), to include sensitive fields of information not generally available to the public, was given to an unauthorized individual in January 2013 who was subsequently determined not to have proper level of access for the information.”

Sources: International Business Times, BBC, Army Corps of Engineers

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