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Employees all quit during Back-to-School season after leaving this humiliating funny note to abusive boss

An abusive boss at a clothing shop in Rochester, New York found his shop abandoned during Back-to-School season after all of his employees bailed out on him– but not before leaving this funny note taped to the front of the store.

Note left by angry employees after leaving Journeys store because of abusive boss

The note read:

“Dear Jamie: Since you decided to say ‘cancer is not an excuse’ and think it’s OK to swear at your employees like you do ALL the time… WE QUIT. THIS is why you can’t keep a store manager longer than a year. YOU ABUSE your [role] and staff. “Enjoy the fact that you lost a store manager, co-manager and key holder in the middle of Back to School. Think next time before you treat people the way you do.”

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