Here’s a funny real-life exchange between family members and a practical-joking graphic artist while trying to get a missing family member photoshopped into a vacation picture.
From: Cheryl
To: Howard, Ben, Christine, Stephanie, Wyatt
Here we are. Thanks, Ben, for leaving space for Christine. Stephanie, could you photoshop her in?

From: Stephanie
To: Howard, Cheryl, Ben, Christine, Wyatt
Photoshopped picture attached. A little rough around the edges, but I think all parties will agree that it’s accurate.

From: Howard
To: Cheryl, Ben, Christine, Stephanie, Wyatt
Resize Christine and send the image to the back
– Dad
From: Stephanie
To: Howard, Cheryl, Ben, Christine, Wyatt
Dad, Christine resized and placed behind other picture, as per your request.

From: Howard
To: Cheryl, Ben, Christine, Stephanie, Wyatt
OK, now she looks like Godzilla. I should have said “…make Christine smaller, then move the image to the back.” Sorry for the lack of clarity.
– Dad
From: Stephanie
To: Howard, Cheryl, Ben, Christine, Wyatt
Like this?

From: Cheryl
To: Howard, Ben, Christine, Stephanie, Wyatt
Oh kayeeeee. I’m crying.
From: Cheryl
To: Howard, Ben, Christine, Stephanie, Wyatt
Whoooooo. I’m still crying. I took this email stream into work to give my co-workers a microcosmic view of how our family interacts with each other.