Hot Wheels Treasure Hunts cars
Hot Wheels Treasure Hunts cars are chase variant cars. They have a lower production run than regular Hot Wheels cars making them harder to find and collect (and thus, more valuable). A set of Treasure Hunts, or T-Hunts, has been released each year since 1995. Hot Wheels Treasure Hunts variant cars come in various production and availability levels too.
Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunts cars
Hot Wheels Super Treasure Hunts are premium versions of the regular Treasure Hunts cars. They were first released in 2007. They of course, have a much smaller production run than regular T-Hunts and are typically more valuable too.
Hot Wheels Super Secret Treasure Hunts cars
Hot Wheels Super Secret Treasure Hunts cars were first introduced in 2012 and are different from the Super Treasure Hunts cars. Instead of premium versions of regular T-Hunts, they are typically a separate set of vehicles with no obvious markings to indicate they are chase variants. This makes them harder to find and thus rarer.
What makes Treasures Hunts, Super Treasure Hunts, and Super Secret Treasure Hunts different from regular Hot Wheels cars?
Low production symbol
Treasure Hunts often have a low production symbol on the car or packaging. It looks like a flame inside a circle and is often located on the blister card behind the car (you have to tilt the package to see it). The package can sometimes have an explanation too such as “This symbol lets you know that this vehicle is hard to find and highly collectible”.
Real Rider wheels
Treasure Hunts often have Real Rider wheels. Real Rider wheels are a 2-piece wheel that has a rubber tire mounted on a rim. There are a variety of Real Rider rim and tire designs.
TH symbol
Super Treasure Hunts after 2012 have a “TH” symbol printed on the car itself. They’re typically small and sometimes easy to overlook (see arrow pointing to the “TH” symbol in front of the rear wheel on the Nissan Skyline HT above).
Spectraflame paint
Treasure Hunts often have a special paint called Spectraflame paint. It is a translucent lacquer that has a metallic appearance.
How to identify Hot Wheels Treasures Hunts, Super Treasure Hunts, and Super Secret Treasure Hunts cars
Identification of Hot Wheels Treasures Hunts, Super Treasure Hunts, and Super Secret Treasure Hunts cars differs by year.
Treasure Hunts (1995 – 2012)
At first (1995), Treasure Hunts had a green stripe with “Treasure Hunt” or “T-Hunt” printed on the package. This continued through 2012. After 2012, the only true identification was the low production symbol on the vehicle or packaging.
Super Treasure Hunts (2007 – 2011)
Super Treasure Hunts were introduced in 2007 as premium versions of Treasures Hunts. From 2007 through 2011, Super Treasure Hunts typically had Spectraflame paint and Real Rider wheels. Like the regular Treasure Hunts, they could be identified by the green “Treasure Hunts/T-Hunts” stripe on the packaging.
Super Secret Treasure Hunts (2012 – current)
In 2012, Super Treasure Hunts changed again and became known as Super Secret Treasure Hunts. The green stripe was removed from the packaging. They could be identified by the Spectraflame paint, Real Rider tires, and a “TH” symbol on the car. Other than these unique variant characteristics, there is no obvious, easy to find markings on the packaging. Very rare. Very hard to find. Very valuable!
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