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The Purge 6 TBA Movie Watch – news and insider info on The Purge 6 TBA movie (TBA).

The Purge

Introduction to The Purge 6 TBA movie.

The Forever Purge was intended to be the last movie in The Purge franchise – until filmmaker/creator James DeMonaco came up with an idea for a sixth Purge film.

“I really intended for The Forever Purge to be the last one … up until four months ago when I woke up and had an idea for The Purge 6. I had this idea … I can flip this thing upside down and we can continue this, maybe, in a way that people can enjoy … I’m actually outlining it right now in between these interviews! If the Movie Gods say, ‘People want to see it,’ then we’ll do it. But I always leave it to the audience to tell us if they want more of it. But we’re ready! I have another one if they want it.”

James DeMonaco in interview with Dread Central

The Purge series kicked off in 2013 with the first film, a smaller scale home-invasion thriller starring Ethan Hawke. It went on to gross $89.3 million worldwide and kick started the franchise, which to date has pulled in $456.8 million in worldwide grosses across four films (with the total box office grosses for each film out gaining its predecessor).

The Purge 6 movie watch – news, leaks, insider info, and more.

Purge 6 is a go. September 15, 2021

Word is out today that Frank Grillo (“The Grey,” “Captain America: The Winter Soldier”) is set to make his return as Leo Barnes in “The Purge 6,” with franchise creator James DeMonaco back in the saddle. Gallo said:

“Committed! We committed to doing that— ‘Purge 6’ with James DeMonaco directing. It’s based on the Leo Barnes character. I’m excited. He’s going to send me the script. He just finished it. So, yeah, I’m really psyched about that. I love doing the ‘Purge’ movies … I’m psyched, they called me and said James wanted to direct one more and I’m like, ‘Don’t even tell me. I’m in.'”

Geeks talk back