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21-year-old Florida woman obviously misunderstands men’s motivations – says she added third breast to make herself unattractive.

Florida woman Jasmine Tridevil with third breast

21-year-old Jasmine Tridevil (I’m guessing this isn’t her real name) says she was rejected by fifty plastic surgeons before one cosmetic surgeon (unlicensed?) agreed to perform an unusual surgery to add a third breast in between Tridevil’s two natural breasts. At a cost of more than $20,000, the surgeon’s only condition was that she sign a non-disclosure agreement to protect his identity.

How the third breast was constructed

Florida woman Jasmine Tridevil with third breast selfi

The doctor constructed the third breast out of silicone, skin tissue taken from her stomach, and used an artificial implant to create the nipple for her new breast. The areola was tattooed on by a tattoo artist.

Although Tridevil refuses to reveal the name of the plastic surgeon (he made her sign a nondisclosure agreement), Dr. Bruce Mast, the chief of plastic and reconstructive surgery at the University of Florida Department of Surgery, said that he can see how the procedure could be done. However, he said any surgeon who attempted it would be subject to professional ridicule as well as the wrath of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Why, oh, why? Oh, that’s why.

When asked why she sought such a bizarre procedure, Tridevil gave two reasons – (1) she wants to be a reality TV star (subsequent to her surgery, there’s plenty of drama in her household – her mother now refuses to speak to her), and (2) she’s tired of dating and wanted to make herself “unattractive to men”. As you can see from the picture below, her ploy is obviously working (we’re guessing the guy in back plans on having a third hand implanted).

Florida woman Jasmine Tridevil with third breast poses for fans

Although we’re afraid to ask her if (or what) she plans to implant on her forehead, she may be closer to point on her first objective. According to Tridevil, she is now scheduled to appear on The Inside Edition, the Jimmy Kimmel Show, and in Vice Magazine (with more appearance requests in the works).

When asked by Orlando’s Real Radio 104.1 if she was crazy, she replied:

“I am crazy. But the crazy people don’t know they’re crazy, so technically since I know I’m crazy, I’m not crazy.”

Okay, so she’s not crazy. But is she honest?

Florida woman Jasmine Tridevil with third breast in bikini top.
Is that blood on the curtain behind her?!?

So, did she, or didn’t she? A few months after her story went viral, Alisha Jasmine Hessler (that’s her real name) was among those who had their luggage stolen from Tampa International Airport. Tridevil filed an insurance claim with the airport and listed the contents of her luggage in the report. Airport police say that listed among the items in Tridevil’s luggage was a “3 breast prosthesis”.

Tridevil however, is sticking to her story. She says the prosthesis was given to her by her surgeon who asked her to wear it before the procedure in case she changed her mind. According to Tridevil/Hessler, she didn’t, and provided the above photo as proof.

One month later, Hessler was arrested by Tampa police after swerving all over the road (we’re sure of course, Tridevil claimed the third breast was in her way). She was charged with DUI. A friend came forward and in an interview with The Sun, offered an alternative explanation for the drama.

“She is completely psychotic.”

And that’s a wrap.

Image Credits

In-Article Image Credits

Florida woman Jasmine Tridevil with third breast poses for fans via Jasmine Tridevil
Florida woman Jasmine Tridevil with third breast via Jasmine Tridevil
Florida woman Jasmine Tridevil with third breast selfi via Jasmine Tridevil
Florida woman Jasmine Tridevil with third breast in bikini top via Jasmine Tridevil

Featured Image Credit

Florida woman Jasmine Tridevil with third breast via Jasmine Tridevil


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