Two-headed snake found with two fully functioning heads.

Two-headed snake Waco Texas

A rare two-headed ratsnake was captured last month and is now on display at the Cameron Park Zoo in Waco, Texas. The rare reptile has two identical-looking heads with a space in between – each connected to the same body. Experts at the zoo say the unusual snake can eat with either head.

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Two-headed dolphin washes ashore in Turkey.

Freakish two-headed dolphin washes ashore in Turkey

urkish beachgoers received a gruesome surprise last week when the body of a freakish two-headed dolphin washed onto the shore of Izmir on Turkey’s west coast. The two-headed dolphin, which had two heads but merged to share just one tail, was discovered by sports teacher Tugreul Metin who watched in amazement as it washed onto…

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Maine fishermen catch freaky lobster that has five human-like fingers

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A crew of lobster fishermen in Maine found themselves in possession of an eerie five-fingered lobster after a recent haul. Recognizing their catch was something unusual, Capt. Peter Brown and lobsterman Richard Figueiredo of the fishing vessel Rachael Leah, delivered the specimen to the Maine State Aquarium who has put the bizarre creature, a Homarus…

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