Hong Kong smuggler caught with 94 iPhones taped to his body.

Hong Kong smuggler caught with 94 iPhones taped to his body

On January 11, an wily immigrant from Hong Kong drew officials’ suspicion after they noticed the man walking funny, as if he had joint stiffness or sore muscles. They noted that the man looked like he was weighed down even though he was only holding two plastic bags in his hands. They directed the man…

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Legendary material (Orichalcum) said to come from the lost city of Atlantis has been found on an ancient shipwreck near Sicily.

39 ingots of mythical orichalcum found on shipwreck off the coast of Sicily

The ancient Greeks called it “orichalcum”, a mysterious metal material of unknown composition described by various ancient authors to be a beautiful sparkling red substance with fire-like reflections that adorned structures around the lost city of Atlantis. Yesterday, scientists announced that they had recovered 39 ingots of the mythical orichalcum from a ship that sank…

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Bones, balls, coffins, people, and more – what’s with all the anomalous objects spotted on the surface of Mars?

Weird anomalous object on Mars - Another Face on Mars

As quickly as NASA publishes unbelievably detailed photographs of the Martian surface, people back home find odd and unusual objects within those photos. Despite NASA’s proven manipulation of the Mars photographs, eagle-eyed researchers continue finding unusual anomalies in the photographs of the Martian surface and ask “Have you *ever* in your life seen a natural…

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NASA webcam captures beam of red light shooting down towards Earth.

Mysterious read beam of light shooting towards Earth - captured by International Space Station webcam

NASA video cams captured an intriguing, and bizarre, occurrence on December 5, 2014 – a mysterious beam of red light shooting from an unknown red sphere down to Earth (see screenshot above). The red light beam occurred around 9:20 AM GMT and was captured by a live webcam that’s placed on the outside of the…

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