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Green mamba snake – how to identify, avoid their habitat, and treatment for their bite.

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Green mamba
Dendraspis angusticeps

Description: Most mambas are uniformly bright green over their entire body. The black mamba, the largest of the species, is uniformly olive to black.

Characteristics: The mamba is the most dreaded snake species of Africa. Treat it with great respect. It is considered one of the most dangerous snakes known. Not only is it highly venomous but it is aggressive and its victim has little chance to escape from a bite. Its venom is highly neurotoxic.

Habitat: Mambas are at home in brush, trees, and low-hanging branches looking for birds, a usual diet for this species.

Length: Average 1.8 meters (6 feet), maximum 3.7 meters (12 feet).

Distribution: Most of Africa.

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